[M] CHAPTER 2: Lets Just Have Fun

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MinJung's POV

Today, my two days off began and I had decided on spending them with my two best friends. Hyuna and Jessica. It was already 5:30 in the afternoon and we had just gotten back from the movies and were currently laying around in my living room.

"We need to have some fun! We can't just go to the movies and call it a day. That's boring!" Jessica pouted as she turned to lay on her stomach on the carpet. Hyuna who was sitting next to her rolled over on top of her. "Yeah. What happened to us? We used to be more fun and more adventurous." Hyuna spoke up while rolling off of Jessica. "You mean wild?" I laughed and walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. "Yeah it's like we're nuns now." Hyuna walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed three water bottles. "Nuns? Really?" I looked over at her with a raised brow. "Okay maybe I exaggerated on the whole nun thing, but you know what I mean." Hyuna laughed. "We know what you mean, but just don't call us nuns." Jessica walked into the kitchen. I handed them both a water bottle before opening mine.

"So~ any ideas?" Jessica questioned and looked at both of us. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and a smile crept onto my face. "Ooo~ I love it when you make that face. Now tell us." Hyuna nudged and leaned a bit forward, but making sure not to fall from the counter. "Lets go have fun tonight. Lets go out to a club!" I suggested cheerfully already knowing their answers. "Ooo~ a club. Lets do it! We haven't gone to one in a while. Gonna go find me some fine ass guys to dance with." Hyuna smiled obviously liking the idea of going to a club. "And you were calling yourself a nun just now." Jessica laughed. So it was decided. Tonight we would be going out to have some fun at the club.

Since they didn't want to go back to their apartments to get ready, I just let them pick whatever they wanted from my closet. "Woah I love the collection of dresses you have." Hyuna stood in front of my walk in closet. "I love all the clothes you have in here in general. Guess it pays to work at that store, huh?" Jessica scanned all the clothes inside. "It is a clothing store so yeah!" I laughed and walked next to them. "Pick whatever you want to wear. Oh and my heels are over there." I pointed at the side of the closet that had a whole wall dedicated to shoes. "You know, things like this makes me wonder if you aren't secretly rich." Hyuna laughed and began looking through all my dresses.

Minutes went by as Hyuna and Jessica pulled out and tried on a variety of dresses from my closet to see which one they liked best. Eventually all of us picked out a dress to wear so it was time to shower.

All three of us had taken a shower and were finally wearing our dresses. Hyuna had picked out a short strapless cocktail dress that was black and faded to red which hugged her body perfectly, showing off her curves. Jessica decided on wearing a similar dress except it split in half right in the center to navy blue on one side while the other side had a black and white pattern on it. As for me I chose a short simple strapless maroon colored cocktail dress that hugged my body as well. We all had our hair down. Hyuna had curled her hair while me and Jessica just had it straight. While the both of them were still doing their makeup I went over to grab our heels that we had picked. Once we all put them on we looked at each other to see the final product.

Chanyeol's POV

"Come on dude!" Baekhyun yelled from my living room. "We're supposed to meet up with Kai and Xiumin in ten minutes!" Baekhyun yelled as I left my room and walked to the leaving room. Kai, Xiumin and Baekhyun had decided that it would be a good idea that the four of us go out and have some fun at a club. "Calm down it's just 1 in the morning." I told him. "WHAT?!" Baekhyun's eyes widened. "I'm just kidding it's only 9pm." I laughed and showed him the time on my phone. I grabbed my car keys and we left my apartment each in our own car.

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