The Dance

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"Pa? Do I look okay for the dance?" said Opie.

"You look fine, Ope" said Andy.

Opie then took off his jacket and his back and armpits were drenched in sweat.

"If a tad nervous. I haven't seen sweat stains like that since you found out no one was buying your salve" said Andy.

"I'm really nervous, Pa. Sam's two years older than me and I wanna impress her at the dance. She's probably missin' Murray" said Opie.

"She prob'ly is. You look really great and make sure you're nice to her" said Andy.

"Should I be as nice as Murray would be?" said Opie.

"Well, you don't have to be just like him. At least try to keep Sam happy like he would" said Andy.

"Thanks for the advice, Pa" said Opie.

"You're welcome. My advice: Blow dry your pits and be nice to Sam and make sure she don't miss Murray too much" said Andy.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Go on and get the door" said Andy.

"Yes, Pa" said Opie.

Sam was at the door when Opie opened it. She was wearing a beautiful green dress.

Sam's dress:

Sam's dress:

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"Howdy, Sam. Gee, you are breathtaking" he said.

"Thank you, Opie" Sam said.

"Nice dress" said Opie.

"Thanks. Nice tie" Sam said.

"Thank you" said Opie.

Opie's jacket:

Opie's tie:

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Opie's tie:

"Have fun, you two" said Andy

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"Have fun, you two" said Andy.

"Aren't you going with Helen, Andy?" Sam said.

"Yeah, I just gotta pick her up" said Andy.

"See ya at the dance, Pa" said Opie.

The two went to the dance in town. 

"Wow. It's beautiful out here" Sam said.

"I thought you'd like it here, ma'am" said Opie.

"I do like it, Opie" Sam said.

"Care to dance?" said Opie.

"Sure. Dances are meant to be danced in. That's why they're called dances" Sam said.

Opie and Sam danced on the dance floor and Sam was actually happy.

"Lovin' it?" said Opie.

"You know it. Oh, Murray would have loved this" Sam said.

"I expect you miss him" said Opie.

"I do but I'm having fun anyway" Sam said.

Yay! Sam's having fun without Murray!

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Peace and love,


The Flu Outbreak of 1963Where stories live. Discover now