It'll heal you

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Stiles looked away from Liam and over at Amber, grabbing her arm.

"Maybe you should come over here,"

"I'm fine," Amber said looking over at Liam. Stiles let out a sigh knowing she wouldn't budge but he didn't remove his hand.

"Liam, you with me? We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, and you focus on the words. It's like meditating, you say the words until you feel control coming back to you," Derek explained.

"Okay okay, okay! What are the words?" Liam asked, breathing heavily,

"Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something,"

"Alpha, Beta, Omega," Stiles whispered to himself.

"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. Betas can become Alphas,"

"Alphas can become Betas," Stiles finished.

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asked, Derek nodded his head.

"All you have to do is say the three words and with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Go ahead,"

"Alpha, Beta-" Liam was cut off by Derek.

"Slower,"  Derek said sternly.

"Alpha... Beta... Omega-" Liam let out a groan before he continued. "Alpha... Beta... Omega,"

"Good. Say it again. Remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer," Derek said.

"Alpha... Beta...Omega..." Liam said, his voice coming out deeper and sounding more like a growl. Both Amber and Stiles looked over at each other with wide eyes.

"Say it again," Derek urged.

"Derek, I don't think the powerful talisman-of-self-control is working," Stiles said anxiously, his grip on Amber tightening a little.

Liam's breathing started to get heavier, his body shaking, his forehead sweating and his eyes turning yellow again.

"Ahh!" Liam growled.

"Liam, say it again!" Derek yelled. Liam let out a roar and tried standing up but the handcuffs pulled him back causing the van to skid across the road.

"Okay, that's it," Stiles whispered pulling Amber away from Liam and over to his side.

"Liam!" Derek yelled. Liam kept growling, moving around trying to get out the chains causing the van to shake.

"Liam!" Stiles yelled holding on to the wall of the van so he didn't fall.

"Ah!" Liam yelled lifting his hand and snapping one of the chains. He lunged at Derek trying to claw at him with his free hand but Amber grabbed his arm and pinned it against the wall causing him to growl at her.

"Derek?" Braeden called out worriedly.

"I think we're gonna need to go a little faster," Stiles yelled.

"Keep going!"

Liam let out another growl as he tried to get out of Amber's grip. He looked down at his other hand and pulled it upwards with as much force as he could causing the chain to snap. Before Amber could react he lifted his hand up and sliced Amber's arm causing her to release him.

She looked down at her arm to see her shirt ripped and deep claw marks extending from her shoulder and stopping a few inches above her elbow.

Liam went to claw at Derek once again but Amber pulled him back by his shirt and elbowed his face causing him to fall back down. Before he could get up she grabbed his arms holding him down.

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