This is stupid

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Once Amber had arrived home she started to clean the mess that was made earlier. She had finished cleaning up her blood off the kitchen floor and was about to pick up the glass from the picture frame when there was a knock on her door.

She opened the door and came face to face with Stiles.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Amber asked.

"I just... came from the hospital and was on my way home but passed your house and decided to stop by," Stiles lied. "Do you mind if I come in,"

"Yeah no problem," Amber moved to the side, allowing him to enter. "Why were you at the hospital?"

"Scott kind of broke a kid's leg, it's a long story," Stiles's eyes trailed over to the broken glass on the floor. "What happened here," Stiles asked as he made his way over to the broken frame.

"Oh, I wasn't looking where I was going and I dropped it by accident," Amber lied. Stiles bent down and picked up the picture.

"Who's this," Stiles asked as he looked at the picture. It was the picture Damon had given her when he visited, a picture of all three of them.

"Those are my brothers, Stefan and Damon," Amber said, pointing at them. Stiles nodded his head and handed the picture back to her as she muttered a small thank you. Stiles bent down to pick up the glass but Amber grabbed him by his arm.

"It's okay, I'll pick it up later," Amber said as he stood up, her hand falling to her side. "Is there a reason you stopped by," Amber asked.

"I wanted to, I wanted to apologize for what I said during math class. I didn't mean it and you didn't deserve that," Amber looked away from him and shoved her hands in her pockets.

"You don't have to apologize, we both know I deserved that,"

"No you didn't. I was just mad and angry and hurt, that's all,"

"Well, you have a right to be, I left," Amber said, looking up at him.

He was already staring at her, his eyes holding an emotion she couldn't decipher. She looked down at her chest once she realized he wasn't staring at her but at the locket around her neck that he had given her. Stiles cleared his throat and looked away from her.

"I also wanted to give you a chance to explain, I mean last time you tried explaining I cut you off and drove away, which I don't think was fair," Stiles said.

"What do you want to know,"

"Well for starters why did you fake your death," Stiles asked. Amber sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, she knew this question was coming eventually and she couldn't avoid it any longer. The sound of Stiles's phone ringing snapped her out of her trance. "It's Scott just give me a second," Stiles walked out of the living room and answered the phone while Amber started to clean up the broken glass from the floor. Once she was finished she sat on the couch and waited for Stiles to come back. Her hands gripping the locket and twirling it in her fingers.

"I have to go. Scott needs me, but we'll talk later," Stiles said, entering the living room and shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Okay," Amber replied standing up from the couch. Stiles was about to walk out of the front door when he stopped and turned around to face her.

"Do you want to come? That way after we can just drive to my house and talk, unless you don't want to that's fine,"

"No, I would love to, let me just go grab a jacket," Amber ran upstairs, grabbing her jacket along with her keys, and was about to make her way back downstairs when she felt a cool breeze making her shiver, her window was open.

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