(1) stormy night

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(Hannah's pov)

Lightning is flashing across the sky as you make your way to John B's house. You begin to smell the wet soil, and you notice the birds starting to fly away in any direction, from one side to another. The sky is grey and there is a freezing wind. The waves are getting bigger, and the stormy sky reflected on them, making the sea grey. Some palm trees were struck by lightning and you thought the beach has never looked more desolated. You try to adjust your shorts, pulling them further down you legs covering as much skin as possible as you shiver from the icy air. You knock twice on the door, tapping your foot on the ground anxiously. "Who is it?" You recognize the voice behind the door.

JJ Maybank. He hangs out at John B's almost everyday, but it's convenient for both of them. All of the pogues spend most of their times at his house, knowing he lives alone. Everyone tries to keep him company, but none of you admit that it's your own way of escaping from your life at home. In fact, it really feels like you are all roommates. You have your own unique bond with each one of them. JJ might not be the best one in the group to go to for advice, but you know he is that one person that you can count on no matter what happens. He's been your best friend since you where 14, although neither of you can deny the sexual tension. After John B's dad died and he's been out on the boat alone a lot more, you have spent a lot of nights together with just you and JJ. You know he can't really go home because of his father, so when you feel lonely and need someone to cheer you up, you know were to find him.

"Who do you think it is, dumbass?" You ask, giggling. You step inside and your eye meets the blonde boy, who can't help but let out a laugh as soon as he sees you drenched in rain.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" He jokes, referring to the name you called him a few seconds ago.

"You knew I was coming" You state as you attempt to dry your hair by wringing it out.

"That's why I got this" JJ says, taking a bottle of cheap beer and waving it in front of you. The dimly lit place already smelled like cheap weed and alcohol.

"Let me get this shit off first and take a shower before I die of pneumonia" You say rapidly as you walk to the bathroom in John b's  bedroom and quickly shower, knowing that he would probably spend the night out so he probably wouldn't even know. You put one some black cycling shorts you left here last time and a big grey shirt you found on the bed which JJ must have left out for you. After getting dressed you leave the bedroom and go and find JJ who was sitting on the sofa drinking his beer.

"Where were we?" JJ asks, grinning, probably from the fact you where wearing his T-shirt.

"Weren't Kie and pope supposed to come, too?" You ask while you fix your damp hair, attempting to look less like a drowned rat.

"Popes gone with John B and Kie probably saw the storm and stayed home" JJ answers.

"In my defense, it started raining when I was already on my way" You whine as you bring the beer bottle to your lips.

"Sure" He says, dragging out the word as You roll you eyes at him.

"So" You mumble. "What's up?" You plop on the couch next to him. He smiles softly, admiring the way you looked fresh out of the shower.

"Nothing much" He interrupts himself by taking a sip of beer. "Did you end up going on that date earlier today?"

Yeah, right. You had a date in the afternoon with a guy that your mum tried to set you up with. They almost convinced you that it was a good idea, except for the fact that you decided to avoid dates for a while. You just got out a relationship with a kook. After an argument one day he took off with his family and they left moving to the Bahamas. Even though it's been months, you still had some form of anger in you. You aren't mad at him anymore, you are mad at yourself for not realizing soon enough that you deserved better and that he was just a stuck up kook. Mason was your first everything, but clinging onto something just because the idea of it sounds good isn't enough for a relationship to work. Once you break trust, it's hard to put the pieces back together.

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