(13) coconut shampoo

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(Hannahs pov)

The sun was still heavily beating down on me as i stepped into the chateau with JJ hot on my trail and john b and pope much further behind. I Headed into the small bathroom connected to the guest bedroom where the clock on the wall showed you that it was just past 5pm.

"No funny business today, JJ, I mean it. I'm exhausted from last night." I chuckled as he shut the bathroom door behind him with his foot. "I'm going to shower" i said and before i knew it JJ was stripping himself of his clothes as i giggled. While JJ undressed, i ran my fingers through the tangled mess of hair on my head and pulled off my soaking wet top. "You could just wait for me to finish and then shower after"

"Nope, its thanks to you that I'm soaked in the first place" JJ laughed, moving behind me to untie my bikini top. "Move your hair, please."

I obliged, moving my hair to the side and turning around to face him. His hands immediately found my hips -which he did out of habit now- as i moved to cup his cheeks. They were a bit warm from the light sunburn he was currently sporting; which i did warn him about but he didn't listen.

"This is my favourite" he mumbled, indicating to the white bikini he was now holding.

We stood there for a second more before separating and removing the last of our clothing. JJ stepped past me to turn on the water, letting it heat up as i took off my jewelry. Once the water was at the right temperature JJ pulled the shower curtain back enough for the two of us to step in before quickly shutting it again.

His hands immediately found their place back on my hips once i stood under the hot stream of water, sighing as it re-wet my hair and ran down my body. It'd been a long day in the sun and this was exactly what i needed.

"Can i wash your hair" JJ asked as I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach and nodded. Me and JJ had always looked after each other and although we never used to shower together, this was just like any other time. He was just trying to take care of me, right?

"What shampoo we feeling? Lavender, apple..." JJ trailed off as he looked through the various products on the shelf behind my head. I still had no idea why John B had decided to stock this bathroom with so many different types of shampoo and conditioner but i wasn't complaining. Still, i had a theory that Kie had something to do with it.

"Coconut," i said, spinning around to locate my favorite out of the selection and handing it to him. So what if i use it every time, it was my favourite.

"Trade places with me, angel" JJ said, opening the bottle and squirting some into the palm of his hand. We shuffled awkwardly past each other so that he was now under the stream of water and my back now turned to him, he began massaging the soap into my scalp.

"You don't have to do this, you know" i mumbled, seacretly enjoying the massage JJ was currently giving my head.

"I know," he paused to place a kiss on my shoulder that he almost immediately regretted due to all of the soap that managed to get into his mouth and also the sudden doubt that we might be crossing a line in our friendship, although nothing about our friendship falls anywhere near the line. I let out a loud giggle when i heard him sputtering behind me while still attempting to shampoo my hair. "Shut up I was trying to be sweet." He groaned

"I know," i smiled repeating what JJ had previously said as he tapped my shoulder so that i could switch places again. I gladly welcomed the feeling of the hot water, running my fingers through my hair to remove a lot of the excess soap. "What about you, JJ? Which one?"

"Same as you," he said, pointing to the bottle of coconut shampoo despite the fact that i had already picked it up. He titled his head forward for me to start applying the soap to his hair. It was slightly difficult because i was significantly shorter than JJ so he had to awkwardly bend down so i could reach his hair.

"Let me wash out the rest in my hair and then we'll swap again, ok?" I said as he tilted his head back up to watch me rinse the coconut scented shampoo out of my hair . I could see the giant smile on his face once his hands met that same spot on my hips.

The two of us repeated the whole process with conditioner before JJ picked up an almost-empty bottle of strawberry body wash. Despite the large variety of shampoos and conditioners in John B's shower, he only had a single, extra-large bottle of body wash that I'm pretty sure was for kids.

JJ grabbed the yellow loofah off of the shelf and squirted some of the body wash onto it. He started applying it to my shoulders before moving lower, spending a little too much time on my chest. I smacked his hand away lightly with a giggle.

"What? They looked dirty," he said with a goofy smile plastered to his face as he continued washing the rest of my body. He spun me around to wash my back and thighs before handing me the loofah to get my arms and such. At this point, the water had lost most of its heat but we were both too tired and enjoying the feeling to get out yet.

Once i finished, i grabbed the body wash bottle and struggled to put the slightest bit more on the loofah before giving JJ the same treatment he'd given me. After we both made sure we'd gotten all the soap off our bodies and out of my hair, i turned off the water and stepped out into the steamed up bathroom. Luckily, there was a few towels hanging on the rack.

JJ grabbed his, wrapping it around his waist before wrapping another around me. "You don't have to do everything for me" i smiled as i wiped some of the steam off the mirror as JJ stepped behind me, arms tucked just below yours with his head resting on your shoulder.

"No but I want to" he replied. "C'mon let's go get dressed, i can do that for you as well if you want" he laughed as we both walked out the bathroom and into the guest bedroom.

Wasn't planning on updating so soon but i had this idea and I couldn't help but write it

-L    <3

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