(6) the list

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I'm going to stop putting smut warnings at the start of chapters because at this rate its going to be on every one...

(JJ's POV)

Me and hannah where exhausted from the events of the previous evening and decided to have a chilled morning at his house seeing as his dad wouldn't be home until later tonight. We had agreed to make a list of things we want to try in bed and also talk about things we are not comfortable with. I told Hannah that I wanted to try new things and experiment with things we've never done before to see what we like and don't like. She said that she had never really did anything like that when she was with Mason and its not really the kind of thing you do in a one night stand so i was exited to see what she would want to try.

I head into the bedroom and join Hannah on the bed, she has her legs under the covers and a laptop out introns of her. "Okay so how are we going to do this."

I chuckle at her excitement and scoot up next to her. I'm wary to keep a small amount of distance knowing that if any part of my body was touching her, we wouldn't get through this without me fucking her. "Why dont we start with anything we absolutely don't want to do?"

She nods "I don't want to be whipped or hit with a paddle 0r some shit like that"

"Understood, kind of glad you don't wanna do that because I don't think i could do that anyway." I confess before listing the second rule "no threesomes"

She looked surprised by my answer "not gunna like i thought you would be into that"

"I don't like sharing." I said simply, hating the thought of someone else touching her.

"Don't gag me" she stated firmly

Nodding I questioned "what about blindfolds?"

"I wouldn't mind that i just want to be able to say if i want things to stop and not have to remember a weird sign or command."

"i enjoy hearing you too much for that anyway " i answered bluntly "do you wanna' have a safe word?'

"Yeh that's probably best" she paused "ill think off one and let you know" she smirked.

i nodded "Collars?"

She raised an eyebrow at that "yeh i don't like that either, has someone ever asked you to do that before?"

I groan just thinking of the memory, "yeh i want home with a toro from a kegger last year and she brought it out expecting me to wear it like I was her pet or something"

"I'm not the kind of person to judge someone based on their kinks but there's something about that, that doesn't sit right with me." She tells me.

I smiled "we seem to match up pretty well, is there anything else."

She thinks for a moment "I don't think so..."

"Okay why don't we get to some of the good stuff, do you want to start or me?" I ask her.

She sits up straighter, setting down the water she was drinking and pulls the laptop closer to her as i do the same, getting up the list on my phone.

"You start, well go one by one"

"Are you nervous?" I ask her. She seems to have some sort of energy about her that i cant put my finger on.

She smile as at me and takes a deep breath "maybe a little, but I'm also exited... and a bit aroused" fuck, she was gunna be the death of me. "And I'm just- uh, happy i guess...'

"I'm happy too" I replied honestly.

She looks slightly uncomfortable which is weird as we've been friends for years and I've never seen her uncomfortable around me. I mean we are talking about each other's kinks so i guess that's why. She's probably never talked about this stuff before, I'm sure her ex was just a vanilla piece of shit who only ever cared about getting himself off and never took any time to pleasure Hannah.

Best friends with benefits (JJ Maybank) Where stories live. Discover now