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"Shit shit shit, how does this keep happening? Argh!" Lyla screams, while jumping out of bed and running into the bathroom, where the cold marble floor immediately wakes her up. Oh for fucks sake coffee shop boy, get out of my head. She quickly splashes her face with freezing cold water and brushes her teeth faster than ever, runs downstairs, grabs the box of fruit and a pancake her mum had made for breakfast (that was for if she woke up on time today). Lyla barely has her shoes on as she's running to the car for her dad to drive her and her twin who is 40 seconds younger, Luke, they're 15.

"Lyla, hurry up! Luke has to get to school early today, come on!" Dad says.

"Christ, someone hasn't brushed their hair," Luke joked. "Here use mine."

"Hm thanks," Lyla said reluctantly. He was always really fussy about the things he shares. He's also the only person who carries a hair brush in their school bag. Lyla has brushes her hair out and puts it in a side braid.

After 15 minutes, the both of them throw their backpacks out the car, before they get out and run across the street to the school. Lexie is already at the front gate waiting for Lyla.

"Hurry up you. It's pretty cold out here these days," Lexie says.

"Lex, wait for me inside, I'm perfectly capable walking into school myself."

"Yeah, you are, but I'm not," Lexie jokes, "So apparently there's a kid joining today."

"On a Thursday during the middle of term?"

"That's what I've heard, weird though right. Just out of nowhere, wonder what went wrong with them."

"You know, it's not always that, maybe the family had to move down here for an emergency."

"Yeah, fair point."

They drop off their stuff at their lockers, which luckily, are next to each other this year. Lyla and Lexie or Lexie and Lyla were joint by the hip, and everyone knew it. They had been friends since year 4 and they've never stopped being best friends. They almost share too many interest, just natural hobbies. Neither of them had forced the other to do something, they just seem to like the same things. Both of them survive on adrenaline, they love sports. They train for athletics and football together. Though Lyla loves basketball and hates hockey and Lexie hates basketball and loves hockey.

The bell rings as the clock hits 8:10, it's time for registration. Soon the halls fill with slamming locker doors and stomping footsteps as you'd think it couldn't get much louder. It would get much louder. You can hear the jocks, who are about 10 meters away, fist bumping each other and asking 'What's good? You saw the game last night? They were on fire!'. You could see the smaller kids from the year below, trying so hard to dodge an elbow to the face. The way to morning registration was absolute chaos.

Once they were inside, Lyla and Lexie sat at their usual table of 2, while the rest of the boys fought to sit at the back of the class. Usually by the time Mr. Timmons, the form teacher, comes in they've stopped.

"Alrighty, so you may have heard the rumours that there is a new student joining, and there is, he'll be joining our form." Mr Timmons looks to the back, "Boys do not scare him off, I'm speaking specifically to the bunch at the back. He's getting a guide around school right now, which is why he's not here. His name is Ashton Hayes. We'll be doing some ice breakers with him tomorrow." The whole class groans, "Yes, I know they get boring, but we need to make him feel welcome."

"Ashton, mhm, hot name," Lexie whispered.

"Lex, stop it," Lyla mutters back. "He might be gay, who knows? Stop it."


Lyla sees Lexie waiting for her by their lockers before they head to the football pitches to eat lunch. Lexie's boyfriend, Myles, spends his lunch there with his friends and they also like to join into the games every so often to piss them off. They're approaching the pitches and Myles waves to them, though Lyla sees a familiar figure standing by him. She forcefully drags Lexie's left hand into her chest and pulls both of them back a few meters.

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