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2 weeks go by and every day seems the same. Lyla stumbles into her bathroom, half awake, brushes her teeth with her eyes closed and she has actually fallen asleep standing up for a few seconds. She gets changed and runs down stairs for a quick breakfast, then hurries to the car and awkwardly makes her way to the back row as Ashton's claimed her spot next to Luke. She waits until the two of them leave the car to awkwardly get out of the car. Her and Lexie spend lunch the same way as usual, though Lyla has caught herself looking for Ashton every so often. 

History lessons are also the exact same, only Lyla has been trying her hardest to be more welcoming and friendly than she has been. She says hello and gives Ashton a smile every single time, they work in silence for most of the lesson unless one of them decides to zone out while the teacher is explaining the work for the lesson. They have tiny conversations from here and there through out the day which basically consisted of whether or not they were getting picked up from school.

Lyla was typing away for the essay that they started on the Tudor era, she had felt Ashton hovering and attempting to make conversation for the past 10 minutes. She strange tension felt like torture, "Do you need something?" she blurted out, passive aggressively.

"Yeah... um, can I ask you a question?"

"Will it matter if I say no?" Lyla continues typing, expecting an answer until she looks up from her computer and Ashton seems worried and a bit offended, "Of course, ask away," a surge of guilt takes over Lyla immediately, she forces a smile.

"Do you watch football? Like do you genuinely enjoy watching it and watch it because you want to and not because Luke forces you?" Ashton still has a concerned look on his face.

"I play football Ashton, of course I like watching it."

"Have you ever been to a live game?"

"Yeah once, Luke and I were babies though, I think we were 7 or 8, I don't really remember much of it. I just remember it being really loud and warm, it's nicer at home cause when it gets boring you can kind of just stop watching it you know?"

"Ok then, this is going to be a huge gesture and you're going to think I'm an actual prick who gets whatever he wants..." Ashton rambles on and Lyla doesn't pay attention for much longer until he says a bit too loudly, "Do you want to go to the live Derby on Saturday?"

It's not loud enough to stop all talk in the classroom and have everyone looking in their direction, but it's loud enough for Lyla to freeze with her eyes wide open, "You better not be fucking with me right now, or I will kick your ass and throw you down a hill six ways from Sunday."

"Ok, I just re-released the beast," Ashton says playfully, "But no, my Dad gets these tickets just as easy as it is to get gum from a convenience store or whatever, he hates football but he still got 4 tickets somehow."

"May I ask how?"

Ashton hesitates and the same ashamed look on his face from the first time the hung out appears on his face again, Lyla regrets asking straight away, "Well, you know, he's a good doctor, a great one actually, so I guess he has his ways."

"So who else are you going to invite?" Lyla tries to ease Ashton back into a more comfortable conversation.

"Probably Myles and Lexie, just like the Sunday 2 weeks ago or maybe Luke, if one of them isn't interested."

"Oh trust me they will be more than interested, Luke might get a bit jealous though. Going to a live football game is all Myles ever talks about, I'm pretty sure it's his birthday gift every year," a small and faint smile appears back on Ashton's face, "Are you sure it's ok? Just us taking these tickets from your Dad, I mean, especially the Derby, I'll pay back the full cost of the ticket, promise."

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