Father's intuition.

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Peter tapped his pen as he stared absent mindedly out the window.

  "She's late!" He called back to the older avengers and Loki

"She'll be here!" Tony assured with an amused look on his face.

A car pulled up outside the compound.

"See?" Clint said "She's here."

Loki squinted.

"That's not Molly." He said as a woman got out of the car

He moved towards the door.

"It's Sarah." He said to Bucky

Bucky looked out the window.

"Is she-" he started

"Sober? Looks that way." Loki replied

"Who's Sarah?" Steve asked

"Molly's mother." Bucky said quietly.

Loki swung the door open and stood in the walk way.

"What are you doing here?" He asked rudely.

"Did Molly stay here last night?" She asked

She seemed genuinely worried.

"No. She left around nine." He replied

"Not funny Loki." Sarah said "She didn't come home and I got a call saying she never showed up to work."

Peter walked over to them.

"Molly didn't stay here." He told Sarah  "What do you mean she didn't come home?"

The earth seemed to spin out from under Loki's feet. Everything went dark as he hit his knees. Suddenly, he was on a dark street, watching from the shadows.

The air was suddenly cold on a usually warm summer night. Molly exhaled a cloud of air and stopped at the sound of footsteps.

"Laufeyson." An ice giant growled.

"Actually my last name is Michaelson." Molly said

A cold hand covered the girl's mouth as she let out a muffled scream and dropped her bag. The giant dragged her off through the alley.

Loki gasped as he came to.

"That hasn't happened in a while." Thor said

  "28 years in fact." Loki said before pointing to Sarah and gasping out "Peter, take Sarah home. We'll worry about Molly."

  Peter nodded, grabbed Sarah's arm gently and led her back out to the car.

Thor looked up as soon as he was sure Sarah was gone.

  "They've got her." He gasped, fighting back tears. "they've got my little girl."

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