Chapter 2: The Prince

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Millie had been in bad scenarios before. After all, Hell was a dangerous place. Some of the jobs she took in killing demons or humans also had terrible moments where she almost didn't come out alive. However, none of those compared to this moment knowing that her boss was being subjected to who knows what. Millie cared about Blitzo a lot and not just because she got to let out her psychotic urges to kill people under him. It was also because, deep down, he was a caring boss even if it didn't seem like it most of the time. Sure, Blitzo was egotistical and made terrible choices sometimes, but he always went out of his way to make sure that the company stuck together. Moxxie hated how Blitzo interfered with their privacy but, deep down, Millie knew their boss was just a lonely guy. It didn't take a genius to know that his need for attention and affection was a cry for genuine love.

Maybe it had to do with what happened between him and his father, but Millie knew that deep down, Blitzo was just someone looking for a family. Millie was more than willing to provide that, but now that family was threatened, and she didn't know what to do. Well, besides kill the assholes who had taken their boss, that is. The problem was she didn't know where they were or who they were.

Moxxie put himself straight into controlling the situation, and Millie couldn't be more proud of her husband. He was always bossed around or lacking self-confidence, but Mox always came through when push came to shove. After the call ended, he quickly activated the security system that Blitzo ordered a few months ago (one of the few times his expensive spending had proven to be useful). He then called Millie and Loona into the meeting room to plan on how to save Blitzo.

Currently, Millie was doing her best to stay calm, but she knew her expression was showing just as much concern as the rest of them. The only one who looked worse was Loona, doing her best not to cry again while looking ready to rip somebody apart in seconds. Millie couldn't help but feel sorry for her. It was clear that her father's suffering was eating her up, and this had to be the most vulnerable the hellhound had ever looked.

"Alright," Moxxie said, his tone one of pure seriousness. "We all know that we're facing a crisis. Blitzo has been kidnapped, and his life is in danger." Loona winced upon hearing that. "We don't know who they are, but we know that they are serious, and I have no doubt they'll kill him if we don't comply with giving them the book."

"So let's just give them the stupid book!" Loona growled. "Or better yet, let's just find these assholes and kill them!"

"It's not that simple," Moxxie said, glaring at her.

"What the fuck?! Are you saying my Dad's life is nothing compared to that stupid book!" Loona growled, showing her teeth.

To his credit, Moxxie stood there, all calm and professional. "What I mean to say, Loona, is that, even if we give them the book, there is no guarantee that they'll give us Blitzo without killing him or us. I don't trust this guy to be honest with us, and not just because we're in Hell where trust is as rare as water in a desert," Moxxie explained as Loona calmed down. "Taking him down might be too much as well. He knows about the book and what it does. Meaning, he's a higher level demon than us. He probably also has additional help whose numbers we don't know. While we are good, we're not on the level of Infernals, Goetias, or Fallen. And I doubt Blitzo would want us to die in a suicidal charge."

Loona grumbled and crossed her arms, but she didn't argue against Moxxie's logic. "Fine..."

"Plus, there is another factor we need to worry about," Moxxie grumbled as Millie saw fear in his eyes. "The kidnapper told me he has...Angel Blades."

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