Chapter 8: The Name

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The moment she heard the gunshot and saw her husband go down, Millie felt the world shatter around her. His limb body just lay there in the cold rain as the shooter just looked at him with a snarl before spitting on it. Before she knew it, Millie screamed in rage while jumping out of her hiding spot.

All she could think about in those short moments in her fall were the memories of her times with Moxxie. Millie had always been seen as weird, insane, and even childish by those in her life. It was Moxxie who saw someone different. He saw a lovely angel of death that had been his strength to be better than he was. Despite her weirdness, Moxxie saw an imp who he believed was a kind and loving woman that sparked his heart aflame. A love he wanted to spend the rest of his years with. Nobody had ever been like that with her. They either kept her at a distance, used her for only her skills, or were one night stands who wanted to be with the "crazy chick." Moxxie didn't want either of those things. What he wanted the "real" Millie that lay deep inside. That desire led Millie to truly open her up to someone for the first time as a friend, who later becomes her lover, and then her husband. Every day she remembered their wedding vow to be there for each other through thick and thin. That vow was now broken thanks to the animals below her.

Animals that she was going to slaughter.

Millie aimed herself towards one of the hellhounds who looked up to see death heading straight for him. Her spear went straight into his shocked face before she pierced him straight into the pavement. His blood splattered all over her face, but she didn't care. It wasn't enough. They shot him. They shot the only imp she ever loved and could ever love.

The one imp who had given her something that she treasured above all else. Love. They took that away from her. They took Millie's "Love" away.

Taking out the shotgun she brought, Millie turned to the nearest hellhound and fired into his gut before he could react with his own weapon. The blast sent him flying into his motorcycle, but he was still alive despite his intestine coming out of his stomach. Millie wasted no time rushing up to the hellhound's face, tears in her eyes, and stared at his frightened and pleading face. But all she could see was her sweet Moxxie smiling. A smile she would never see again.

She pulled the trigger twice to make his head explode in a burst of bone and brain matter. She turned around, screaming to kill more of them, but found two of them already dead from multiple bullet wounds, and the leader- the fucker who did it -was on the ground with the shadow guards already on top of him. He was cursing up a storm, but that ended when Millie put the shotgun in his face and made him whimper.

"Millie! Stand down!" Grimbeak ordered.

" No! He killed Mox! HE KILLED MY MOXXIE!" Millie shouted with tears in her eyes as she prepared to squeeze the trigger. "I'LL KILL HIM!"

"He's not dead!"

In that split second, she froze. The sentence echoed in her head; she slowly turned to Grimbeak, who held the body of her supposedly alive husband. Taking the mask off, Millie saw that her husband was still breathing but unconscious.

"Moxxie!" Millie screamed, dropping the shotgun. She rushed over to him and nuzzled his warm face. "On, Moxxie! Moxxie!"

"Uh, what?" Moxxie muttered, slowly waking up. She looked deep into those big beautiful warm eyes that she thought she'd never see again and kissed him so hard he nearly lurched back. "M-Millie? Wait...I'm alive?!"

"The mask saved you," Grimbeak said as he held it up, showing the bullet stuck in the forehead. "Looks like it's made out of something bulletproof. You're quite lucky, Moxxie."

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