Chapter 3: The Book

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Whenever Octavia's father sent her guards to pick her up, she was always annoyed because her father could be so overprotective. Seriously, her last boyfriend still was recovering in the mental ward after what her father did to him for breaking up with her. However, when he sent his 'shadow guards,' that was when she knew something was wrong. Her father's shadow guards were not just one of the best, but they were considered even rivals to the elite guards of some of the noble Fallen Families. Octavia's father only sent them when something had gone horribly wrong, so she didn't even argue when they arrived to take her back home.

The moment she stepped back into the front yard of her home Octavia knew things were worse than she feared. All the guards were armed and patrolling in groups of five. Members of her father's Legions were seen in position in case of an enemy attack. The magical defenses that were thousands of years old were activated. Things were only ever this serious on Extermination Day.

Needless to say, the first thing she did upon entering the palace was to try to find her father. She ran around the palace halls, hoping that everything was okay and that both her parents were safe. Thankfully, she found him in his study looking over a book while, to her surprise, Moxxie and Millie of I.M.P. were there talking to him. Their conversation was interrupted when Octavia arrived, to which Stolas rushed over and hugged her. "There you are," he stared at her straight in the eye. "Octavia, I need you to answer me clearly and without a doubt. Did you notice anyone strange following you today?"

"No," Octavia answered. She thought about saying something sarcastic, but the worried look in her dad's eyes prevented her.

"Any messages, texts, or warnings you've received?"

"No," Octavia pushed her father's arms away from her shoulder. "Dad, what's going on? Why are you preparing like Armageddon is starting?"

"Nothing that serious, but I'm afraid things have...happened," Prince Stolas said, with a heavy sigh. "Blitzo's been kidnapped and has been their hostage for over nine days. They've...they've done horrible things to him, and they want my Grimoire in exchange for his life."

Octavia's eyes widened as she recalled Loona asking if anyone had seen her father. The hellhound assured her that things were okay, but deep down, Octavia knew something was wrong. It's a curse to be right all the time.

It wasn't a surprise that Octavia's father was involved, book or no book. She knew of her father's feelings for the head imp assassin, and she had mixed feelings about it for a long time. It took Octavia years to figure out her parents really didn't love each other like most other parents, and finding out they were cheating on each other was the start of her teenage rebellion. It took a while, and a few family talks, to accept that while both her parents were not in love with each other, they still cared about each other. More importantly, they never stopped loving her. They were still, and always would be, a family—just a bit weirder than others.

When her dad started sleeping with Blitzo, she didn't think much of it. Then her father started actually falling for the imp, which just made things even weirder. Octavia had nothing against imps at all, but Blitzo was a bizarre character. She didn't know what it was that made her father love the guy, but he made her Dad happy, so he had to have some good qualities in him. Plus, she and Loona were close friends ever since the two met for the first time. Both bonding over their weird fathers before seeing each other as actual friends. Maybe they would be step-sisters if things got real between their dads.

"How bad?" Octavia asked, steeling herself.

"Based on all the evidence and possibilities, the person who kidnapped Blitzo might be a Fallen Demon."

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