Chapter 9: The Suffering (Part 1)

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***Ten Days Ago***

When Blitzo felt his mind coming to, he wondered how much he had to drink and if he ended up naked in Moxxie's bathroom again. It was hilarious to see Moxxie's expression when he came in to take his morning shower that day. It was not so hilarious when his employee tried to fry his red ass with a toaster while still in the bath. The first thing he felt was chains wrapped up around his wrist and ankles. When he opened his eyes, Blitzo looked around and saw that he was in some kind of weird medieval-like dungeon with his hands and feet bound to the wall. He struggled to get out of them for fifteen minutes before giving up.

"Great, now what did I do?" Blitzo muttered as he tried remembering what happened. "Let's see we completed the job. Moxxie acted like a pussy because of some dogs. I went to get a shake for Loona and me? And...huh, that's it."

There wasn't anything else after that—just a sense of feeling tired and then nothing. Looking around, Biltzo tried to make sense of what was going on until the door to his cell opened up, and three heavily armed samurai-like demons walked in with their claws on their katanas. They were giant red-eyed creatures with bald heads, raven appendages such as wings and talons but had the faces of crimson skinned men. They had prayer beads with tiny skulls on them around their necks, and the funniest part of them was their long red noses. Seriously, he had seen clowns with less silly faces than this.

Blitzo's first thought was that these were Stolas' guards, and he was doing some kind of bondage thing to get his owl dick hard, but the imp quickly ruled that out. Having known the demon prince for over two and a half years now, Blitzo quickly didn't recognize them as such. He couldn't recall seeing them wielding samurai armor around like some of those Kurosawa films he saw.

Something was wrong with all of this, and Blitzo needed to find out information ASAP if he was going to figure out a way out of here. "So fellas, I'm into kinky shit and all that, but usually I like to have my dates buy me a drink first? Tell you what, let me go, and I'll take us to a pretty good bar. Then we have a foursome, wake up with hangovers, and we never speak of this again? Sounds good?"

The raven samurai didn't even address him. They just stared out straight in front of them without a sound.

"Uh, hello? The handsome imp in chains is talking here. You guys both ugly and deaf?" Blitzo asked again. He grinned upon getting no response. "Well, if you want to listen to me talk until I can't breathe, I'd be happy to do so! So there was this one time where I was on the highway-"

***2 Hours Later***

"-and that's why you should never try to make a grilled cheese sandwich with a succubus in the restaurant! Especially ones who cums like a waterfall when she gets even the faintest whiff of mozzarella!"

His smile quickly turned into a frown as the three samurai shits still stood there without moving a muscle. "Christ, even Moxxie would have laughed at that one. You guys are like talking to fricken statues!"

The door opened again, which caused the raven warriors to finally move by leaving one by one. Replacing them were two owl demons that Blitzo didn't recognize. One was black-feathered with a blue crest, while the other was dark brown-feathered with black dots at the tips. Both were wearing white t-shirts and jeans, but Blitzo could see that these two were packed from the muscles they had. Not that Blitzo felt any attraction to them. Way too, beefy. He liked his owl demons thinner and smooth.

"Well, let's hope you dumb fucks are a lot more talkative than the three silent shitheads we had," Blitzo said. He was about to continue when the dark brown feathered one punched him in the face. Blitzo felt spit come out of his mouth and shook his head. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?!"

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