Chapter 6: The Chase

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Grimbeak had come through with his information. The imp in the photo on Voxagram was a mercenary named Vaax, who did any job so long as he was paid well. He wasn't as well known as other high ranking assassins, but the imp did his best not to stand out save for clients looking for a professional. Moxxie looked over his copy of Vaax's information and realized this wasn't going to be an easy task. The Imp was an expert in close range combat and speed. Most of his targets were killed with a few quick slashes or stabs before he fled without a trace. His target list was pretty high, with the most famous murder he did being a Baron of Hell that Moxxie remembered reading about in the paper three years ago.

"Any idea where he might be hiding?" Moxxie asked, putting his sheet down. Prince Stolas had everyone from I.M.P joining him at his office table along with Octavia, Grimbeak, and Reginald.

"According to my sources, he hangs out at a bar called The Hellhole somewhere downtown," Grimbeak answered.

"We know the place. We're sort of regulars there," Millie answered, frowning. "Bastard could have been watching without us knowing all this time."

"There is one other thing," Grimbeak said, showing a photo in his talons. Moxxie didn't recognize it at first, but he soon realized it was the female imp that Vaax had murdered in Blitzo's Voxagram photo. "This woman he murdered? Her name was Yima. She was a mercenary too."

"Both of them were mercenaries?" Stolas asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, Yima tended to try and seduce her targets before either killing or capturing them once she had them in her claws. It looks like Vaax recognized her and took her out before she could take Blizo," Grimbeak answered, crossing his arms. "We still haven't heard anything about an open hit on Blitzo. So we're assuming the contract for his capture was only given to a few contractors. Those who keep themselves low key, but are still skilled enough to have captured him alive."

"They had to be. Dad's a pretty tough assassin," Loona pointed out.

Moxxie nodded in agreement with the hellhound. Save for a few instances where they were outgunned or a mistake was made (that he was often blamed for), Blitzo was talented in killing his targets with ease. He had been doing it far longer than either Moxxie or Millie and was skilled in all types of combat. The only reason Blitzo wasn't as rich as some of Hell's other high profile killers was because he had the worst business sense in the world. He couldn't save money for shit.

"Well, shall we bring Mr. Vaax in for a talk?" Stolas asked, tapping his fingers together. "I do so wish to know why he thought it wise to go after my Blitzy." He turned to Grimbeak. "Grimbeak. Get our men and prepare to move on my command."

"Your Highness, that might be a bad idea," Moxxie said, interrupting the owl demon. "While I have no doubt that your shadow guards are capable of taking Vaax down, I suspect that Vaax has been watching us for some time now. Chances are he knows that Blitzo and you are...connected at the very least." Moxxie looked at the sheet of information. "He seems like the kind of mercenary who prepares for an escape plan if his reputation is accurate. Plus, when he sees a non-imp in the bar, especially a Goetia demon, he's going to suspect something. We can't risk him getting too scared, escaping, and going underground. It would take time to find him again, and Blitzo doesn't have that long."

"So, what do you suggest?" Octavia asked, tilting her head.

"Me, Millie, and Loona will go into the bar and capture him," Moxxie suggested, standing up. "We're known faces there, so it wouldn't be too suspicious to see us. Once we have him, we can ask you to summon us back here with a portal, and we can interrogate him from there."

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