Chapter 7: The Interrogation

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When Octavia heard that they managed to capture the imp mercenary who might have taken Blitzo, she expected to find the team happy or in celebration. Instead, the princess found Millie arguing with Loona in the living room while Moxxie shook his head. Octavia soon learned the reason upon noticing Loona had a few cuts on her arm that were bleeding and a stab to her side that the hellhound was holding with her arm. Octavia winced upon seeing it. Even though she knew Loona could handle more damage than that, it was still a bloody sight to see. The cleaners would have a fit about the red mess on the floor, especially on the carpet her mother loved so much.

"I'm telling you! I'm fine!" Loona growled while showing her teeth. "Now, can we just go interrogate this guy already?! I can get healed later!"

"No, you don't! You are going to get medical treatment or, so help me, I'll drag you there myself!" Millie shouted, getting right up in Loona's face.

"Your not my fucking mother," Loona muttered.

"Well, until we get your father freed, I am responsible for you!"

"I'm nineteen years old! Not twelve!"

"Well, you are acting like one," Moxxie said, coming to his wife's side. "Seriously, Loona, you really should get bandaged up. We'll go see how the interrogation is doing, and then we'll let you know everything."


"Loona, just do it," Octavia said, getting the hellhound's attention. "Much as your demonic healing factor is preventing you from bleeding out too much, this is still my house, and I'd like it as bloodless as possible."

Loona looked at all three of them before throwing up her hands in the air and kicking a nearby chair over. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down and pointed at them. "Fine, but the moment you get everything I want to know! Now, where's the stupid doctor?"

"Jerry? Please escort Loona to the Hospital Wing," Octavia asked one of the nearby guards, who nodded before guiding Loona out of the room.

"Relax, Loona. It's not like you're going to the vet," Moxxie joked with a smirk.

"...I piss in your coffee every Thursday," Loona said, smirking as Moxxie's face started to turn green. He made a nearby waste bin and started throwing up, much to everyone's disgust and Loona's amusement.

"You disgusting little-ugh!" Moxxie heaved while Loona flipped him the bird before leaving with her escort.

Once he was done puking up his breakfast, Moxxie raised his head and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "That girl is a bitch."

"Aw, she's just worried about Blitzo," Millie said, rubbing her husband's back. "But regardless, we should go see what Stolas has been pulling out of our guest."

"Follow me," Octavia said before noticing Moxxie turning green again. "Um, let's get some alka seltzer first."


Humans were really such fascinating creatures in the eyes of Prince Stolas. It was pure entertainment to see a species that was made in God's image act so barbarian you'd think they were made in Satan's image instead. They only seemed to get more violent and depraved with each generation. By far, the most fun time was during the middle ages. Such a bloody and savage moment in history that it was one of Stolas' favorite periods on Earth. Demons had such a delightful time manipulating various kings, dukes, bishops, and knights like chess pieces against each other for amusement. Eventually, it all ended, but there were always the memories.

One of the things Prince Stolas did to preserve those times was decorating his torturer chambers precisely like something you would see in an Inquisitions Headquarters in the 12th century. The various instruments of pain and suffering, horrible cell conditions filled with dried blood and piss, and all combined with rats would eat anything they got their greedy little claws on. It was like traveling back in time for visitors, but for prisoners, it was a nightmare. While he did keep the decorum the same, Stolas made sure to add more modern touches to it. Such as magic seals to prevent breakouts, stone golems to act as guards, and a few more common practices today, such as the Chinese water torture method.

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