Chapter 5: The Memories (Part 2)

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Loona really did appreciate Octavia's help in all this, truly, but she still felt embarrassed to have cried like that. She hadn't sobbed that hard since--Loona shook her head. No, she wasn't going to think of those fucking scumbags now. She didn't need to add more depressing thoughts to an already painful day. Being unable to sleep, Loona made her way around the halls, trying to find the kitchen in this big palace or at least a place where they keep the liquor.

Eventually, she stumbled upon the kitchen (which had to be as big as their entire company floor) and made her way to the huge-ass fridge filled with various meats, fruits, chickens, fishes, and lots of birdseed, but no wine or beer. Grumbling, Loona took a soda and opened it before chugging the thing down with vigor.


Loona nearly spat out her drink before turning around to see Prince Stolas, in a red bedroom robe with crowns and pentagrams on it, leaning on the counter. A small smirk decorated his beak before he made his way to a cabinet where he took out a box of tea leaves. "I happen to find myself needing a drink as well. Though I doubt soda will help you get to sleep faster."

"I was looking for beer," Loona answered before burping. "Got any?"

"No, I'm not into that kind of stuff. There is a wine cellar, but from what Blitzo tells me, you'd wipe it out in five hours," Stolas said.

"Please, I can do it in three," Loona bragged before taking another gulp of her caffeine. She then looked at the soda in her hands for a bit before turning to Stolas. "Hey? Um, Stolas? Thanks for helping."

"Of course, Loona," Stolas answered as he began to stir the tea in his hands with a magical teaspoon working on its own. "Blitzy is very important to me. He's kind of like family. That means you're family as well. Along with Moxxie and Millie."

"Yeah," Loona muttered, leaning against the fridge. "Dad's always going on about how the company is a family. I never saw it that way until...well..."

"Recently?" Stolas asked, motioning to a nearby chair and table set that the two soon sat at.

"Millie's been really supportive in all this," Loona admitted, even if it was hard to do so. She had her pride, and the fact that she had been comforted at all was just embarrassing. Yet, a part of her found herself not caring. "And Moxxie? He's actually got balls after all. I'm surprised he's kept his cool under all this while I'm just unsure what to do! Besides, kill the fuckers who did this."

"Perhaps that's why Blitzo hired them?" Stolas suggested as he took a sip. "He saw something in them that made them reliable not only as employees but friends as well."

"I always thought it was because there was nobody better," Loona admitted, tapping her claws on the table. "But...maybe I was wrong about them. I just thought it would be Dad and me, but with you, them, and Octavia? It feels like we're..."

"We're your pack?" Stolas asked, using familiar hellhound terminology. It turned out to be the wrong thing to say as Loona froze up for a few seconds before unleashed a fierce growl.

She glared at Stolas, who looked surprised upon seeing this. In the back of her mind, Loona knew that she shouldn't be acting like this to a prince, but she couldn't help it! She hated that motherfucking word!

"Never. Use. That. Word. " Loona snarled as she tossed her soda can away. "Never use that! I hate that word! It's all bullshit!"

There was a long silence between the two as Loona tried to calm down, and Stolas just sat there in stunned silence. Covering her face with her arms, Loona pushed her anger down before muttering an apology. "Sorry, I just...please don't use that word. Use family. Or anything else. Just not that."

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