Chapter 10: The Suffering (Part 2)

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Warning: Implied rape is in this chapter. Nothing graphic, but I am warning you its mentioned.

***Three Days Ago***

A splash of water awoke Blitzo with a gasp as he looked around and saw himself back in the dungeon with Bob, Steve, and Bitch, the one who had thrown ice cold water on his naked body. Looking down, Blitzo saw that his clothes were now completely off, and he was butt naked as the day he was born.

Remembering what he heard earlier, Blitzo tried to get up and take a break for the door, but his body quickly gave in, and he fell to his side in frustration. The injuries on his body were still too much for him to handle, and he had a bad feeling that things were only going to get worse. His fears were soon founded as Steve walked over to a desk that wasn't there before and picked up a spiked whip with dried blood on it. Blitzo's eyes widened as he was forced up by Bob, despite his struggles, and soon found himself facing the direction of the wall. A set of chains and locks from above quickly came down, and he was forced to lift his arms so he could be locked inside of them.

Gasping, Blitzo soon found himself raised a few feet above the floor. The door soon opened, and Blitzo was forced to swing around where a cloaked figure in dark grey entered the room along with a tall fancy-dressed owl demon with green and white feathers. He was dressed in a blue suit with golden buttons while looking at Blitzo like you would at a disgusting bug. The cloaked figure, whose physical characteristics Blitzo couldn't make, walked forward and stared at Blitzo from his shadowed hood.

"You know, I always thought imps were cowardly creatures who have no honor or integrity. A selfish race that cares only for themselves and sides with whoever will protect them. You? I have some respect for the resistance you have shown."

"Thanks. Does this mean I win an Emmy?" Blitzo asked, struggling with his bonds.

The cloaked figure shook his head before turning to Bob and Steve. "You just do what I told you to do. Break him apart until his body and will are shattered. But under no circumstances are you to kill him."

Bob and Steve nodded and bowed. The cloaked figure then turned to Blitzo. "This is your last chance. Tell us where the book is or else, for the next three days, you will be in a real hell." Blitzo didn't even hesitate to respond and just spat on his coat. The cloaked figure looked at the saliva, snorted, and turned around to leave with his owl demon companion. "Have it your way."

Before Blitzo could respond, Bob forced him to turn around and face the stone wall. Five seconds later, the cracking of a whip echoed in the air before Blitzo felt its jagged blades enter deep into the flesh of his back. Blitzo was unable to hold his scream and began to curse shortly before another strike latched onto his back.

The whip came down harder and harder with each blow, striking Blitzo from his back to his limbs. Even his rump wasn't immune to its impacts. Blitzo felt his skin peeling off as blood flowed down his back and towards the ground. It was mixing with his tears that were cascading down his eyes without stopping.

He tried to think of something, anything, to block the pain. His daughter. His job. His family. Stolas. Moxxie and Millie. TV shows. Books. Movies. Horses. Anything to help ignore the pain.

Yet the pain was all he felt and could think about. The only thing he could hear was his own screaming and pleading to stop. But it never did.

***Two Days Ago***

Hell had never really been 'hell' for those born in it. Not really. It was customary to see suffering, pain, and bad luck happen to everyone around you. The strong survived. The weak were eaten. You had to always rise higher and higher, or else you were going to be the bitch who got fucked by someone else. Some humans learned this the hard way when they ended up in hell, others managed to fit right on it. Blitzo learned the truth about how Hell operated when he lost his entire family to someone stronger than them. He killed them all and left Blitzo as the sole survivor who only managed to escape thanks to luck.

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