Chapter 17: The Family

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Loona could remember the year she had Kennel Cough as one of the worst years of her life. She almost died if it wasn't for the fact that her father took care of her by never leaving her side. Now, years later, here she was staring at his peaceful expression while he was hooked up to so many wires and IV's that he looked like a pincushion. Judas General Hospital was giving him the best treatment possible. They had fixed most of his wounds save for some that were still taking their time to heal and gave him some magical stuff to get his demonic regeneration ability on overdrive. His horns were back to their healthy self and his tail regrown after getting the proper nutrients. Blitzo still had scars all over his body, but knowing her dad, he would say it made him look sexier.

"Heh, you're probably going to try to advertise it for the company, I bet," Loona said to his sleeping as she leaned in closer. It had been two weeks since they had rescued him, and he still hadn't woken up. According to the doctor, it was a combination of their own medical drugs to help his body heal faster and his mind forcing it so he could recover from the trauma he suffered.

Her father would occasionally twitch or mutter something in his sleep. Names such as her own or strangers she never met before. The one most talked about was someone named 'Zella,' who didn't ring any bells in Loona's mind.

"What are you dreaming about, Dad?" Loona wondered as she touched his arm. "I just wish I could comfort you like you comforted me."

If it was her in that bed, Blitzo would be singing her lullabies and telling stories to her. He'd put his favorite horse plushies in her arms for her to hold while praying she would be okay and healthy. He did that every time she was sick. Despite being an adult, he treated her like a child. But deep down, Loona knew he did it because he cared about her.

Sadly for Blitzo, Loona couldn't sing if her life depended on it, but she did manage to get some of his favorite horse plushies to help him cuddle with. It was challenging to bring them from Imp City to St. Judas City, where the hospital was since the two cities were hours apart. Yet if her father went the extra mile for her, Loona would do the same for him.

It was only now, looking at her injured and weak father, that Loona realized just how much she had taken it all for granted. Blitzo could have let her die off in the woods, but instead, he took her in and raised her as his own. He showed her love, care, and affection with no other goal than to give her the best as a family should. When she learned what her pack did to her, she changed that day. Distrusting all and showing an attitude that stemmed from her anger and heartbreak, directing it at the world that hated her and even aimed it at the one person she shouldn't have aimed it at.

Watching her father day by day for the past two weeks had given Loona a lot of time to reflect on the past few years. Years when she had been an utter bitch to everyone, including her father. And for what? Because some assholes that never raised her called her weak and pathetic without even knowing her? She'd taken worse insults from bullies in the fourth grade, for crying out loud!

"I promise, Dad," Loona whispered as she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I promise I'll be a better daughter. Just...just please wake up..."

Be it by luck or miracle, Loona soon heard a voice cry out her name in a weak and scared tone.



For two weeks, Moxxie had taken the reins as temporary head of I.M.P. and, if he was allowed to gloat, he was proud of his time as temporary boss of the company. They were actually making a profit and were going after targets that really deserved it instead of whoever was unfortunate enough to end up as a hit. Still, Moxxie was ready to give it up the moment Blitzo finally woke up and returned from his semi-coma. Much as Moxxie liked being a boss, Blitzo seemed to lighten the place up and made work actually enjoyable instead of just a borefest. Honestly, he was starting to even miss the times Blitzo would just randomly play music and declare a dance hour for everyone.

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