Chapter 15: The Rescue (Part 2)

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Every second that passed since Stolas left Stella alone in his office felt like an entire agonizing hour of uncertainty. She was no fool. The moment she arrived back home, Stella knew there were going to be consequences for her actions. The look of hatred in the eyes of Blitzo's daughter, his employees, and her husband made it clear that they wanted her dead. Even Reginald was looking at her with disdain instead of the calm and respected glance he'd give.

Not that it was any less than what Stella deserved. In her mind, she was just lucky to still be breathing. All she could do was hope that Stolas and his friends successfully saved Blitzo from his fate and stopped the madness Stella's mother had been planning. After that? Well, she didn't know. Stolas made it clear that a divorce was on its way and that her mother and brother were not long for this world. While a deep part of her wept for her family, it was clear they were going down a path that would ultimately lead to destruction, and she didn't want to follow. No, they had made their own graves to lie in, but Stella would mourn for them when it was all over.

Yet the one thing she wanted, now more than anything, was to see her precious daughter. The moment Stella hatched Octavia in this world, she swore she would do everything to make her dear owlet happy and safe. It was the main reason why she betrayed her husband and kidnapped Blitzo. If it was just her husband, or even both of them, alone facing the consequences for Stolas' illegal actions with the imp, then maybe she wouldn't have gone so far as she did. But the thought of Octavia suffering from it? Her entire future ruined because her husband couldn't think with his brains instead of his cock? No, that she would rather die before letting it happen.

The door slowly opened, and Stella lifted her head to see if Stolas had returned. Instead, her gullet started to choke up upon seeing Octavia enter. She walked in silence, but the young owl demon's expression was one of utter fury directed at a paling Stella. Her demonic aura was starting to spread, and every step forward only made it increase.

Gulping, Stella got up from her seat and walked over to her daughter. "Octavia, I-"

She didn't get a chance to finish because Octavia, her little baby, smacked her across the face so hard it forced Stella to her haunches. Touching her red cheek, Stella felt a tooth nearly come out before looking up at the enraged teenager.

"How could you?" Octavia muttered as her talons clutched into a fist. She then roared so loud the windows nearly cracked. "HOW FUCKING COULD YOU?!"

"Octavia...please...I'm sorry..." Stella whimpered, but this did little to please her daughter.

"Sorry?! You're fucking sorry?! You know what that's worth?! Utter nothing!" Octavia screeched, pacing back and forth. "What the actual fuck were you thinking?! Why did you even do it?! Did you hate Blizo that much?! Did you hate Dad?! Were you that fucking jealous he wasn't screwing you that you had to go and kidnap my best friend's father and have him tortured?!"

"I did it for the family!" Stella shouted. She got up while leaking tears in her eyes. "I didn't want to see our family ruined! I did it for us! I did it for you!"

She tried to reach out for her daughter, but Octavia violently pushed her way. "For me?! Bullshit! You did it for yourself, you stupid bitch!"

"Octavia! I am your mother!" Stella shouted, gritting her teeth.

"YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER ANYMORE!" Octavia screamed so loud that this time the windows did shatter, as well as Stella's heart.

The elder owl demon gasped and froze on the spot, clenching her chest as her daughter glared at her while tears dripped from her eyes. Octavia, bitterly, turned away and hugged herself while muttering, "Dad may be an overprotective dork who has embarrassed me more times than I can count, but he always let me grow into what I wanted to be! He never complained about the friends I made or the things I do, even if they're not what someone in my status should be doing! Because he cares about my happiness!" Turning her head towards a nearby painting of the three of them smiling together in fancy clothing, Octavia sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I know you never approved of my friends or my actions, which were unbefitting a princess, but I thought you at least did it because you wanted what was best for me!"

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