Chapter 4: The Memories (Part 1)

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Sleep wasn't going to come easy. How could you sleep knowing that your boss was going through his tenth night of suffering? With nothing but some dark prison with no food, water, or warmth. It was funny. For hellborn demons, such as imps, such suffering was generally for the damned while the hellborn considered everything that happened to be pure normal. He wondered if this feeling, and whatever Blitzo was going through, was what the damned faced every day in this shithole of an existence?

No wonder humans tried getting to Heaven so badly.

Moxxie opened his eyes, half expecting Blitzo to be watching TV in his living room or drawing doodles on his face. Like a dick aimed at his mouth. But all that greeted him was the empty darkness of the guest room Prince Stolas provided him and Millie with. Sitting up, he stared at the small lamp light and thought about all the times that he had to deal with Blitzo coming into his apartment without warning. The older imp didn't know the word privacy at all, be it at work or outside of it. Moxxie honestly hated being the butt of his boss' jokes as well. He did everything from making Moxxie feel insecure about his skills as a lover to blaming him for everything that went wrong. And it was all a joke to him. It seemed that, despite Blitzo leaving the circus, the circus never left Blitzo.

He was such a clown that he never took anything seriously. Yet...there was more to his boss than just a foul-mouthed greedy assassin. There were times, few and far between, that Blitzo acted like a decent boss or person. It was those rare times that Moxxie found himself liking his boss. Such as that one job at the hospital...

***Months Ago***

"I still don't know why this guy wants this nurse dead. She had nothing to do with his death!" Moxxie whispered as the three imps snuck against a wall in a human hospital. "I mean, it's not like she forced or tricked him into ODing on morphine."

"Apparently, he wants her dead because she rejected going on a date with him or something," Millie said with a shrug.

"Seriously? Do we have any standards at all when it comes to accepting jobs?" Moxxie asked, facepalming.

"Of course not, Moxxie," Blizo said with a smirk. "Standards are for those who play by the rules and live a boring non-entertaining life. By the time they hit their mid-years, they realized they wasted their time trying to play fair in a world that just plain sucks. Why? Because only cheaters and ambitious people get ahead who have no morals and are willing to stomp anyone in the way to get what they want. Why do you think politicians, bankers, and businessmen never get in jail for their crimes while the rest of the world rots from debt and depression?"

Moxxie was about to say something when Blitzo's phone rang. With a flip, his boss opened his phone and smiled. "Yes, Loony?" Blitzo's eyes widened and then nodded. "Oh, really? Huh, well, okay then."

"What happened?" Millie asked.

"Client canceled the hit," Blitzo said, turning off his phone. Millie pouted in disappointment while Moxxie just sighed in relief. "Apparently, he realized it was stupid to blame his death on some girl who didn't want to titty fuck his dick and called Loona to cancel the whole thing."

"You're taking this quite well, Sir," Moxxie pointed out.

"Please, Moxxie, who do you think I am?" Blitzo smiled as he walked back the way they came. "I always make sure all our business deals are non-refundable if possible. Sucker already paid us, so the way I see it, who gives a shit if the dumb bitch is dead or not."

"Figures," Moxxie muttered as he followed his boss.

They were just about to head into the examination room where Loona would open the portal for them when a voice cried out, "Hey there!"

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