Chapter 16: The Aftermath

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There was a reason why Moxxie hated hospitals so much, and it was because of all the damn waiting. It wasn't a surprise that a hospital in Hell was busy and overcrowded. After all, demons tried to kill each other every day for various reasons. However, instead of waiting for treatment, he was here waiting for the condition of his boss. It had been five hours now, and Moxxie was near ready to pass out from a lack of sleep. The adrenaline from the fight had worn off hours ago, and the only thing keeping him awake was fear.

Millie and Loona had told the others just how bad it was for Blitzo, and Moxxie could only wonder what the fuck his boss was made out of. Even a higher level demon would have been dead six times over by what he had done, but Blitzo had managed to survive it. Moxxie knew that even if Blitzo managed to come out of this alive, it would take months just to recover from all this.

He hated to think of the 'what if' scenario, but there was still a chance that Blitzo could die. He didn't want to think about it, mostly because if he did then, Moxxie wouldn't be able to stop crying. It was funny. He never worried about his boss like this, but it showed just how much, deep down, he cared about that annoying jackass after everything that's happened. He just wondered how much of the old Blitzo was going to remain.

Nobody can go through an ordeal like this and not be screwed up by the trauma. He knew his boss was seeing a therapist, or at least he told them he was, but Moxxie wasn't an idiot. Blitzo had some kind of past issues he didn't like to talk about and hid behind a face of egotism and showmanship to avoid it. Chances are, it was now permanently broken, but regardless of what happened, Moxxie would be there for him. He didn't risk his life just so he could keep his job after all. Like it or not, Moxxie was part of his boss' family. He didn't know how this would affect I.M.P. overall, but right now, the only thing he was worried about was Blitzo's well being. The technical stuff regarding the company could be worried about later.

He glanced at his wife, sleeping on his shoulder while he caressed her hair. She had nearly passed out just as Moxxie, Stolas, and, to their surprise, Octavia arrived. She said something about needing to get out of the house where that woman was, and nobody pressed further. Moxxie told his wife to sleep while he promised to wake her up when news of Blitzo was given. Loona was the only other one to have her eyes closed, sitting up in her chair, with Octavia holding her hand as Stolas paced back and forth.

Dawn was just beginning to break when the emergency doors finally opened, and the head doctor working on Blitzo arrived with his green surgery clothes covered in blood. "Blitzo's family?"

Immediately, everyone got up, even the sleepyheads, as they all stared at the doctor while holding their breaths. Loona was the first to speak and ask the question they all wanted to be answered. "Is my dad going to be alright?"

The sigh made Moxxie panic at first but seeing the demon doctor nod his head made everyone release their breaths at once. "You guys got to him in time. Another two hours, and I don't think we would be able to save him. I've never seen so much damage on an imp before. It's a miracle he survived. We're still healing him, but he's out of the danger zone. He'll need weeks, maybe months of recovery both physically and psychologically."

"Whatever is needed, I can pay for it," Stolas said firmly.

"Is there anything we can do?" Millie asked, gripping Moxxie's arm.

"Right now, the best thing is for you all to get some rest," The doctor said, crossing his arms. "You all look like you're about to pass out. Don't worry. We have him safe and sound here. He's not going to wake up for a couple of days anyway, so you should all get some sleep and come back later."

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