Chapter 12: The Regret

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Moxxie never wanted to kill anyone so hard in his life other than this privileged bitch before him right now. Well, maybe his parents, but he would never personally kill them himself and just let someone else do it. The moment they all got word from their beds that Stella was in the house, it took everyone's will power (especially Loona's) to not kill the bitch right then and there. The only thing preventing him from shooting her in the head was that she knew where Blitzo was.

The owl bitch looked terrified by the hateful glares she was getting from everyone in the room. Moxxie could already tell his wife was inching closer to her daggers, while Loona never stopped growling or showing her teeth. Reginald, the butler, was even looking ready to kill the woman in front of him. That was nothing, however, compared to Stolas. His eyes were all glowing, not just red but shades of black as well, and the very earth was shaking once and awhile from the immense power he was holding back. Moxxie wondered what Octavia would be doing or saying right now, but she had refused to see her "mother" at all.

"You have ten seconds to tell me where my father is, or else I'm going to serve you as a thanksgiving dinner to some poor family on earth," Loona demanded, snapping at the frightened owl demoness.

"Please, just let me explain! I know you're angry, and Satan knows I deserve it, but-"

"Angry?!" Moxxie shouted, getting into Stella's face. "You kidnapped our boss! You had him tortured for ten days! Put everyone, including your family, through grief and sorrow all this time, and you think we're fucking angry?!"

"Mox, calm down," Millie said, pulling him back. "I want her dead too, but we need her alive for now!"

"I didn't want things to go this far!" Stella shouted, tears in her eyes. "I just...I just wanted the book back...I didn't want to risk my family's reputation...but I didn't want him to get hurt. None of this was supposed to happen!"

"Stella," Stolas said with a demanding tone. "What were you even thinking when you did this to begin with?"

She huffed and straightened herself out, which made Moxxie roll his eyes. Even in the circumstances she was in, the royal cunt had to look posh. "I was afraid, okay!" She explained, looking at all of them with a glare. "I was afraid that someone would figure out that Bitzo was using my husband's grimoire to access the human world! How long would it have taken for the upper lords or even Lucifer himself to figure it out?!" She glared at Stolas. "If they even suspected it, our entire family would have been crucified! We would be disgraced or even killed! I was thinking about our family, Stolas! Of Octavia! You just wanted to get your dick suc-"

In a flash, the room turned red as demonic symbols appeared on the wall while Stolas as his wings flared out and his talons around Stella's throat. She looked ready to piss herself because everyone else was just trembling from the power being unleashed. "You are already on thin ice, Stella. Watch what you say, or I will simply take the info from your mind and leave you as a husk."

Everything faded to normal as Stella, eyes widened, placed her claws over her throat, and gasping for air. She soon nodded with a whimper before continuing. "Like I said, I was worried. None of you saw reason, so I went to the only other person who could help me. My mother."

She lowered her head in shame. "The plan was to kidnap Blitzo and demand the book back. I thought it would be easy. Just get it and release him. We hired others for the job, and we were going to make it look like they were behind it all. We just planned on killing them when we had the book. There were no plans to hurt Blitzo or do anything bad to him! I just wanted to scare him and get him to give up the book in exchange for his life! Then I would just pretend to use my contacts to find the book and convince you that way to stop giving it to the imps! I swear that was all I wanted to do!"

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