<3 || Yandere!Feitan x ?Reader

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(Y/N P.O.V)
(Modern Time)

"Hey Y/N! You look nice today!" One of the random guys of my college said making me look at him with a smile.

"Thank you! You look nice today too!" I smiled at him as I nodded my head to him. He seemed to lose himself into a daydream right after.

(Feitan P.O.V)

I watched as my little angel compliments a random in the hallway. How dare he make her lay his disgusting eyes on her...

"Hey dude! Follow me real quick!" I smiled at him but he gave a glare.

"Why, you short ass mother-fucker." He said looking at me making me frown.

"I know how you could win Y/N over, jm a friend of her's" I offered and he just smirked at me.

"Hell yeah man! You finna hook me up?" He laughed and I gavea fake smile.

"Ay, how but we skip this last period and head back to yours? We could talk out some shit." He said greedily making me more angry.

"Sure man let's go." I said lowly and he followed me to my car. I drove to my place and took him to a different room if my house. I had him stand in a specific spot before I stepped on a tile in the ground and the wood opened up from below him, sending him down a large hole where he land in a large stream of water. I watched as a dark red liquid slowly took over the top.

"There's your dinner guys.. I'll be down to grab the bones later." I laughed and stepped our of the room as trapdoor shut.

"Fuck! I should've grabbed his phone! I hope his phone was somewhat water proof.." I groaned running a hand through my hair.

(Back to Y/N)

I met up with one of my buddies, his name was Meruem. He's cool but my biggest deal is that his friend is a bit too close to Feitan.. One of the cutest boys in this damned College.

"Bro, you know you can kill her right? She's nothing but somebody I use to help you get rid of a target. I heard that Feitan and you are quite similar.. At being insane that is." He smirked at me causing me to roll my eyes.

"If he is.. I hope he would see why I've got rid of so many people for him." I sighed and Meruem only rolled his eyes.

"Ima need ya to kill Mr. Netero, he has been on my back forever" Meruem groaned and I laughed.

"He's on your back to become a good kid, you get bullied way to much. And plus, he knows about what I do yet didn't report it to the police. He's a cracked old man but you and me both know if he wasn't we'd be in jail." I pointed out and he just groaned again.

"I say, I take that girl on a pretend date and shoot my shot." I winked at me making me stare at him with a blank face.

"You're not funny. But yeah that sounds good, what time? 8 pm say." I smiled at him andhe nods.

"I'll meet you then." He waved at me and I nodded but waved back. I then saw Feitan sitting downona bench he was looking at his phone.

"Hi Feitan!" I shouted trying to gain his attention. He only gave me a small glance before staring back at his phone.

I smiled to myself as I walked past him.

"I really don't understand why you even try." A female voice said coming up to ms making my face go blank.

"Machi.." I muttered and I watched as her lips thinned to a line.

"He doesn't acknowledge you or anything, you deserve better." She stated making me shake my head.

Imagination Torment (Feitan imagines/fluffs~)Where stories live. Discover now