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Sameer was sitting on his seat, in the plane, after the arduous wait of two weeks. He was totally unaware of the spectacular view from the window seat as he was taking a trip down to memory lane. He recollected all those sweet memories with his Naina Ji while having a look at all her pictures on his phone with love-filled eyes. The first one was of their first date when he saw her in an Indo western look for the first time. He always got mesmerized by her beauty. Then he remembered their accident, again because of his not- so- smooth driving. He smacked his head, but then remembered how they had their first hug at Naina's home while they were alone. She found his embrace so comfortable that she had slept in his arms. A smile crept on his face. 

After reliving all their date and wedding pictures, the next picture was of a group photo of Munna's party. His eyes again got stuck on Naina, who had worn a hot pink saree at that time, different and unique from all the females present there. As always, he couldn't appreciate her magnificent beauty, being unexpressive. He had adored her so much that day till he drank two to three sips of wine. But what happened after that day? Why couldn't he remember anything between the start and her accent issue? His brain started working at a faster speed to recall what did he exactly do after drinking. 

And then, his brain abruptly got the answers to his questions. He now could clearly see himself dancing with another girl, who was unknown to him. He could clearly see Naina dancing with another unknown guy too. But he could also view the difference in the level of proximity in both the couples. It was his folly that he had imagined his Naina Ji in the place of that girl and started dancing with her getting as close as possible, owing to his drunken state. He had seen Naina stepping out immediately when that guy tried to come closer. He wished he could go bury himself in a deep pit to never come out again and die there only, before killing that guy. Every memory of him with his Naina Ji made him deplore the very situation. Then the scene of Naina stomping her foot in anger, and then bringing Sameer out of the dance floor became vivid in front of his eyes. Even in her anger, he could see the bubbles of jealousy oozing out of her eyes and every action of hers. He chuckled at her possessiveness for him. But he couldn't deny the fact that he had hurt her there too, even before not supporting her in the argument of her accent.

Then came the pictures of their first and last actual outing, when they went to Waterton. The picture of Naina eating the ice cream and some ice cream was stuck on the side of her lips. He so wanted to taste those pulp lips at that time. If he wished he could do that with her agreement, but his shyness came between them as the second biggest barrier, after Naina's ADJUSTMENTS. The other pictures of hers were equally sublime while her cuteness was more enthralling than the beauty of nature. Now he was looking at the pictures where they were together, some showed them roaming in the attractive streets, some showed them enjoying the music that people played around, some of them were candid while some were just random selfies, and then came the picture of them sitting in the boat. He had seen the eagerness in Naina's eyes while she was reluctantly trying to get herself seated in the boat. Naina wanted him to hold her hand at that time, and help her to sit beside him. But somehow he got too shy to hold her hand at the very moment. Naina must have thought how unromantic he was. But he had compensated that, he realized when he saw the pictures of him making her wear his glasses and splashing freshwater droplets over her, and then kissing her cheek. They never really needed the words in several situations. Their eyes conveyed their every emotion, fulfilling the need for words. But why and how couldn't he see her suffering?

He sighed before swiping to see the other pictures. Then some screenshots related to his interior design research came in between, which annoyed him for sure before making him recall how he had not introduced Naina in his office. His brain was totally washed at that time, as he felt that he would feel ashamed if he told everyone that Naina was his wife. He again felt the same pang of guilt. He was so dumb and stupid. 

He exhaled and swiped again. The picture of the first snow showers of the year arrived. It was Naina's first snowfall. Although she had visited several foreign countries before, she had never witnessed a snowfall. They had gone inside the deck of their backyard to enjoy THEIR first snow showers but unfortunately, it all got ruined because of Zoe. The name itself brought a dreadful glare in his eyes. He couldn't forget what Zoe had done. As the name Zoe registered in his mind, he recalled how Naina allowed Zoe to stay in their home. How he didn't even inform or asked her before bringing Zoe into their home, but still she welcomed her affectionately, hiding her disappointment. But what did she get in return? The fussy tantrums and taunts from Zoe? This was totally not what she deserved. Zoe never left even a single chance to make Naina feel low and unwanted. Zoe had the assumption that she was way better than Naina, but she didn't know that both of them couldn't have any comparison. Naina was and is indeed the best.

The memories of the last party they had attended again got vivid in front of his guilt-filled eyes. Their firm relation was already cut into two halves, and to fuel it up, Zoe had crushed it into small pieces. And now his work was to fix it all, no matter how sharp the pieces were to get fixed by hands. No matter how much blood had to ooze out of his skin, the skin that was dead and could get alive only if Naina touched it. 

He recalled how he got embarrassed by what she had worn at that time. How he failed to accept her. He had promised himself that he would never let a single tear roll down her innocent eyes, but today he himself was the reason for her endless painful tears.

How wondered how Naina had kept this entire storm of feelings filled with emotions of hatred, disappointment, helplessness, and anger hidden from everyone. She had so much inside her heart but never did she opened it, only because of him. Unfortunately due to his blunders, she must have started getting the inkling that if she told him, he would never understand her. But this was not the truth. He had to prove this to her. He had a long list of apologies. Just one sorry would definitely not work, he was dead sure.

His lingering chain of thoughts got broken when the air hostess arrived with the as always not- so- tasty flight food. Again he recalled how Naina had made him eat the food, that too lovingly with her hands, and he ate it happily.

He then slept for some time, or we can say, he closed his eyes for some time. When he woke after an hour, he could NOW clearly register everything. The view from the window proved that he was floating in the sky and mild turbulence proved that he was sitting in the plane. Then he admired the couple right beside him, Munna and Swati. Munna held Swati captive in his embrace while both of them were sleeping, maybe dreaming about each other. Yet again, he took a trip down to memory lane, when THEY were gonna start their married life in Canada. He held her in the same way Munna was holding Swati. His eyes got misty. He missed his Naina Ji every time and everywhere. Just one more day, and he would be able to see her. Even if she wouldn't talk to him, he would still get soaked in her presence, he would still be able to listen to her heavenly voice.

He vowed that he would not step into his home until Naina accompanied him happily.

Unedited chapter...

FUN FACT: This update didn't have any dialogues! 

Well, I know I'm unique😎, so don't wonder🤣

Jokes apart, I have some questions for you all to answer:-

1) Since I've written five updates on the realization, do u guys still want more?

2) Does this story seem anywhere realistic to you?

3) Can anyone talk to me personally about their reunion? I have something in mind but am not able to execute it nicely...

Stay safe and Healthy❣.

Adjustments?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें