Two Houses

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Aone POV:

There is this girl, sorry young lady, and I- I. God I can't even admit it to myself... Maybe if I explain it more like this. I have a permanent RGF- resting grumpy face. I'm 6'1-6'2 and play on the Data Tech volleyball team. What I'm trying to say is that I'm not exactly the most friendly-looking guy on the team so I'm not exactly very lucky with the ladies. Unlike some of the other boys on the team that is, and not so say that it gets on my nerves or anything but for her.

I just wish I didn't look like a giant or like I'm pissed off all the time and that one time I tried to smile at her it felt more like I was grimacing and she looked back at me puzzled and...oirhrgiurwgiufug God sake I just wish I could talk to her and I would go to one of the guys for help but I feel like they would just make fun of me. *Internal crying* One-day y/n.


The Volleyball tournament is coming up, the one that decides the team that gets to the internationals or something. My friends are dragging me with them so I don't really know what it's for, or really anything to do with volleyball in general. But hey if I go with the both of them it should be fun and we can go get some ramen or something after. Wow, y/n already thinking about food. God, I hate food but I love food. My mum always likes to remind me that I'm chubby or that I eat too much. I'm not even fat or unhealthy, I workout semi-regularly when I'm not stuck in bed depressed and fine. I'm a little chubby, I mean, okay maybe I am chubby. But that's not a bad thing, just means I got a bit of a tummy and some thicc ass and thighs, which doesn't bother me all that much.

Usually- and not that this happens often but occasionally when my friends drag me along on their double dates so I end up fifth wheeling! I sometimes think about or wish that I actually had someone as well. It just seems fun and it would be nice for someone to just see me in that way but I could never imagine anyone wanting to spend time with me, I only have two friends and even then I'm baffled as to why they would want to spend time with me. Plus the only guy at our school I would even consider dating or have any interest in is that guy from the volleyball team. Grumpy Face...hehe I bet that he's just a big softy. Aone Takanobu. 


Hi Reader,

I know that this is a very short chapter but I just want to see how it goes. Hopefully, I will have more up soon.


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