Chapter 8

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Peter's POV

Around 3pm I woke up in pain as I recalled the previous day. I felt so bad for leaving Wade there all alone, he was probably furious. I'm lucky though that Deadpool showed up, it is a little strange that he was in the area. He's been around me a lot lately, could he be stalking me? I rolled over hoping that wasn't the case as I hugged my pillow tightly. 

My face was still patched up and even a slight touch hurt. After realizing the time I slid out of bed and prepared myself a bath. Slowly slipping my unclothed body into the tub I let out a grunt. The warm water hugged my injuries and sent a relaxing feeling through my muscles. Everything was sore, even so I knew I needed to do my job. Once done with washing myself off I slid out and rewrapped my swollen cheek. I looked like shit.

Knowing I needed some fuel I headed down to the kitchen and started on my pancakes. Due to my spidey senses I knew when they needed to be flipped which meant I always made the perfect pancakes. I coated the fluffy food with syrup and butter as I forked myself up a bite. By the time I finished eating I already felt better and decided to head out as Spiderman. 

Luckily for me it was a calm Sunday night and I was able to chill on the rooftops. My peace and quiet soon came to an end as I heard shouting from a nearby apartment. Climbing down I peeked in the window to get a better view, what I saw shocked me.

"Look I haven't done this before but I just can't do this job. You can keep your money and let's go separate ways," Deadpool stated seriously.

It was odd seeing him like that, he was always goofing off. The men he was talking to dipped their brows and pushed him to the floor in anger. 

"This kill will set you for life! Our boss will be angry if you don't fulfill your promise! You have 24 hours to kill the kid, or else!" the taller gangster said yanking his arm with force.

The merc began to giggle as he pulled away from the others grasp. 

"Or else what?" Pool grinned madly.

His words enraged the group as they pulled out their guns shooting him in the stomach. Not thinking it through I kicked in the window and webbed the closer bad buys to the wall. Being shocked at my appearance the gang shot my shoulder lightly grazing it. I'd been through my fair share of wounds so I kicked the weapon from his hands and shot the man on the ceiling. 

"Oh hey Spidey!" Deadpool cooed, "come to my rescue?"

I shook my head with a smile as the two of us fought the enemies back to back. It was harder than we originally planned to take them out, especially since the mercs blood pooled the floor. Slipping slightly on the liquid I tumbled on top of the last gangster and shrugged my shoulders, I mean it worked. The man groaned in pain underneath me as I stuck him to the wet floor. 

"I'm jealous, could you sit on me like that?" the assassin smirked. 

"Very funny," I stated sarcastically notifying the police of the situation.

The two of us then headed towards a nearby building not wanting Deadpool to be questioned. As we reached the top we both let out a tired breath and laughed in pain.

"So love bug, how about I take you to dinner? It'll be my way of repaying you for swooping in and saving me," he pronounced the saving.

I rolled my eyes thinking about it and figured it couldn't hurt. My body probably needed more food anyway. 

"Shouldn't we clean up first? We're covered in blood..."

"Oh right," he said scratching his neck.

Looking at our surroundings I noticed a familiar thrift store and pointed with my thumb.

"We could change there?" I let out.

The taller male tilted his head seeming compliant as he stared at the building wide eyed. Dropping down from the roof we walked inside and was happy to see it was empty. 

"I have a fun idea!" the merc chimed in.

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

He smirked deviously, "how about I choose your outfit and you pick mine?"

That did not sound like a good idea, he'd probably put me in a dress. I was about to decline but he pranced away looking for clothes that fit me. With a groan I slapped my forehead and went towards the men section. If I was being honest with myself I would have loved to see him in a onesie but I decided against it picking out some simple clothes. Already being done I sat down and watched as the child like man danced around eyeing some pants. 

"Alright, I've finished!" he sang grasping the outfit tightly, "I'll change first."

Quickly Pool yanked the clothes from my hands and pounced into the curtain covered corner. Not much time passed until he walked out sailor moon posing. The  clothes fit him better than I thought as I checked him up and down. His shirt was a plain gray with a brown leather jacket on top of it. The pants I chose were pitch black along with some red shoes to match his mask. I was pretty thrilled with the overall look and patted myself on the back. Strangely though he was still wearing his gloves as if he didn't want me to see his skin. What was he hiding?

Eagerly the merc pushed me in the changing room handing me my clothes. After dressing I realized what he had done. My thighs and ass were squeezed by the tight skinny jeans  with a blue crop top to match. The shoes he picked were white vans and underneath were fishnets to tie my look together. My stomach felt cold as the air hit it with force, was I really gonna wear this. 

"Come on out!" Deadpool shouted.

With hesitation I pulled the curtain back and covered my torso with my arms. The taller male let out a whistle but I ignored him throwing a hoodie over my top. It was cold out, did he want me to freeze? After paying for the outfits I followed him out and we went to a nearby hot dog stand.

"Here you go," he chimed handing me the food. 

I smiled at his gesture and realized how dumb I was. I couldn't eat this, that would require taking off my mask. Mentally facepalming I explained the problem and the merc let out an 'oh'. Embarrassed I didn't notice someone snap a picture until Pool started to shout.

"Can't two guys eat in peace?"

Noticing the photographer my breath hitched and I webbed away. What was I doing? I couldn't be seen in public with him, people would get the wrong idea. I don't murder people but now my reputation would be ruined, or so I thought. 

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