Chapter 13

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Peter's POV

Last night with Wade left me waking up in a confused state. I awoke in my bed completely naked and there were marks all along my body. The most prominent one being a bite mark on my neck. Laying there I could still smell the events from last night in my sheets. My face started to flush thinking about it so I hopped out of bed and changed into some clean clothes. Not wanting Aunt May to notice the hickeys I put on a turtle neck and hoped it would suffice. Heading downstairs I noticed Aunt May sipping her coffee with a smirk. Embarrassment washed over me realizing she most likely heard us last night.

"M-morning Aunt May," I stuttered.

"Morning honey, how was last night?" she teased.

I sweat dropped at her words as she let out a chuckle.

"Look, I'm fine with you messing around, you're at that age. Just promise me you'll be safe and use a condo-"

I cut her off, "Yes Aunt May!"

Not wanting to discuss it anymore I grabbed a banana and started on my way to school. During the walk my head buzzed with thoughts of romance. I felt bad to be honest, Deadpool confessed to me yet I had feelings for Wade. Pool was great and all and I felt really comfortable around him but things between Wilson and I were escalating. It was honestly a little amusing to watch the merc stumble over his words, to think he thought I was dating Peter, Spiderman, myself? Now that he knew which school I went to I would expect to see him a lot more often, as both of my identities. He's getting pretty close to figuring out my who I am, stress filled my head. Not wanting to get a migraine I put on my headphones and listened to music. Finally arriving at my destination I noticed a familiar face sitting at the bench, Wade.

"Hey Petey!" He hollered. 

Flashing him a smile I sat down next to him.

"Hi Wade," I laughed at his childlike behavior.

"How are you feeling after last night?" he asked.

Flustered I bit the inside of my cheek and gave him a slight nod.

"That good huh? I'll take note of that," he stated inching closer, "I won't be in school till lunch, could you meet me in the janitors office?"

Curious as to why, I answered yes and watched as he walked off, blowing me a kiss in the process. Slightly bummed the taller male wouldn't be in class with me I slumped to my first period and sat at my desk. Today's work was fairly easy so I finished in a breeze and was eager for noon to come. Once the clock read twelve I rushed out the door to the small cleaning room. Before opening the door I let out a hitched breathe remembering what happened inside. As much as I hate him, I hope Flash is okay. Turning the knob I pushed it slowly and saw a dark figure standing in the corner.

"Wade? Is that you?" I asked unable to make out his figure.

"Yes, come here," the gruff voice commanded.

My spidey-senses weren't acting up so I assumed it was fine. Stepping forward the man shut the door and revealed himself to be Deadpool.

"Deadpool! What are you doing here?" I questioned ready to leave.

"Please don't go, I need to tell you something."

I assumed he wanted to confess his feelings but it wasn't exactly that. The tall male asked me to close my eyes so I complied. Hearing the sound of fabric a pair of rough hands traced my face. They felt familiar, too familiar. Keeping my eyes closed I held his hands in mine and rubbed along their scarred texture. Blinking open there stood Pool without his mask on, it was Wade! Wade was Deadpool! 

"I- I wanted to be honest with you. I like you... a lot! If you can't love both sides of me then I understand," he blurted out with nervousness.

Still trying to process what just happened I hugged the merc feeling relieved. It was good to know I wouldn't have to worry about Pool. Wilson hesitated to hug me back still eager for my response.

"Wade, I love every aspect of you! Your random outbursts, dirty jokes, affectionate touch, taste in food, and more," I reassured him.

The bald man stood there shocked before quickly shifting into a toothy grin. Without hesitation he knelt down and grabbed my hand in his.

"Peter Parker, will you make me that happiest man in the world and be my boyfriend?"

Giggling at his silliness I leaned down and pecked him on the lips.

"Yes," I stated.

Too excited for words he grabbed my waist and spun me in the air. Suddenly without warning he ran out the door shouting in the process.

"I'll be back soon my love, I have to go tell a friend!"

Friend? Did he mean Spiderman because I'm right here? Should I reveal my identity to him? Considering my options I hadn't noticed the villian approaching from behind. 

Wade's POV

{Oh my god! He likes us, he really likes us!}

[Actually he said love!]

Skipping away with glee I ran towards the office and kicked down the principals door. Before he could speak I tied him to his chair and grabbed the microphone.

"Hello Students! This is Deadpool speaking and I would like to request you all gather in the auditorium. You better be there bug-boy!"

Dashing off once again I maneuvered through the student filled halls and climbed onto stage. Majority of the school was here so I began to shout.

"Spidey! I know you can't reveal your identity but I just wanted to let you know that I got a boyfriend! I hope it works out between you and your crush as well!"

The room filled with cheers as students began to applaud. Feeling lucky I did a backflip and headed back to the janitors closet. Finally everything in my life began to make sense! I had the greatest best friend, boyfriend, was getting an education, and my job payed well. With a spark of hope I slammed the door open only to reveal the horror in front of me. Pete's bloodied leg sat on the floor with a note written in red.

"Long time no see Wade. You have something of mine and I have something of yours. Meet me at the abandoned building on main. -Ajax"

Fucking Francis! How dare he hurt my baby! I was going to kill him! Enraged I punched the wall breaking my hand. Not looking back I ran out the school knowing what needed to be done. 

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