Chapter 2

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"Okay first of all, the names Spiderman. Secondly I kind of have some work to do," I responded.

He fiddled his thumbs a little, "Well couldn't I tag along?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

I stared at the merc and then back at the city, "Fine, come on," I mumbled.

Deadpool jumped with anticipation and ran after me as I traveled towards the next unjustified act. I didn't expect to enjoy his company but he was pretty funny besides his random rants with himself. To be honest he even helped out some with catching the bad guys although I did have to stop him from killing a few.

The next day I wasn't as lucky with Aunt May and she caught a glimpse of my busted lip. Like usual she scolded me, at least she didn't see the bullet wound. She probably would have killed me. Even though she was upset, she helped me clean my wound and by the time I got to school it looked almost fully healed. I swear Aunt May is heaven sent!

During first period I couldn't concentrate for some reason, it felt as though I was being watched but my spidey senses weren't going off so I figured I was fine. The next period felt better but by the time I got to lunch my nerves were worse than before. The cafeteria was bustling like usual, after a long wait for food I sat at the edge of a table and ate alone. It wasn't too bad, usually Flash would be stealing my food by now. Speaking of which, where is Flash?

I glanced around the room and finally spotted him in the corner grabbing the collar of some innocent student. I didn't want to make a ruckus but I couldn't call myself a hero if I did nothing. I was used to Flash, this kid wasn't. After approaching the beef cake of a bully I tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey Flash, how is your day going?" I asked with a fake smile.

The giant turned around with a confused almost grossed out look on his face still holding the kid who I then realized was Wade.

"Well if it isn't Penis Parker? Come to save your boyfriend?" He said deviously.

I glanced over at Wade and saw the melancholy look on his face, Flash didn't faze him at all. If I had known any better I would even said he was ready to kill him.

"Very funny Flash, you know I heard they call you that because you flash little kids at the park."

Flash's face turned a vibrant red and his anger began to boil. He yelled something at me but I wasn't focused on that as he punched me right in the eye. I stammered back a bit and saw a teacher approaching, thank you god! Before they could get here though Wade hooked Flash right in the jaw and his hood fell off his head. Flash fell to the ground and Wade just kept throwing, Flash got in a few punches as well breaking Wades nose but he just kept going. People began to swarm around us pulling the stronger male off the other while Flash laid there a bloody wreck. Before he was whisked away Wade spat a tooth and him and gave him a grin that I felt I knew already.

Due to the earlier incident I was pulled into the office to discuss what happened. Flash being too weak to talk was sent to the hospital so Wade and I waited in the hall.

"Uhm, thanks," I stammered.

Wade shot his eyes at mine, "Oh...yeah, he had it coming," he chuckled.

"I guess..."

"You guess? Your back is probably bruised due to him kicking you all day long! Besides last night I wasn't able to ki-" he paused, "nevermind."

My thoughts questioned what he said but decided it was best to ignore it. Now that he wasn't wearing a hood I was able to get a good look of his face. His eyes were a light blue almost white and his face was symmetrical in every aspect. Just like the rest of his body his face was scarred but in my opinion it only added to his unique appearance. His head was cleanly shaven or perhaps naturally that way? On top of that he was now covered in bruises and a bloody nose which I thought he broke but looked fine to me, how odd. 

Soon the principal, Mr. Morita, arrived and welcomed me inside his office. We discussed what happened and he decided best to call my Aunt. This was a problem, she already worried about me enough but now I had to face my problems. I felt bad making her leave work early but I decided best not to protest against Morita. While waiting for her to arrive we talked more about the fight and he gave me some ice for my eye. 

Some time passed and I heard chatter outside the door, it sounded like Aunt May. The principal gestured for me to open the door so I did just that. Outside was a completely healed Wade and my Aunt chatting it up like long lost best buddies. Geez that guys heals fast!

"Oh hi Peter, Wade was just introducing himself and told me that you protected him from a bully! I'm so proud of you, Wade and I get along so well I've invited him to stay for dinner. Isn't that just great?" Aunt May cheered.

Wade gave me a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck, "Only if that's okay with you Peter?" he said announcing my name.

I nodded and brought my Aunt to talk to the already annoyed Morita. While inside the principal repeated the topics we had already discussed so I allowed my mind to wonder until I saw Wade waving at me through the window! What was he doing? He's going to get in trouble! Perhaps there was more in store for me tonight than I had realized.

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