Chapter 11

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Peters POV

Slowly fluttering open my eyes I realized where I was, Deadpool's house. How did I know, the smell. His home had this certain mildew scent that would never leave me. Looking around I assumed I was in his room. Knowing I was most likely late for school I attempted to stand but a pair of warm muscular arms wrapped around me.

Twisting my body over I spotted the familiar merc and felt my face heat up. He was spooning me! Aunt May is going to kill me! Pushing with all my might I was finally able to pry his hands from my torso and leave the bed. Hearing a grunt from the male I let out a yelp as he tackled me to the floor.

"Leaving so soon?" He cheeked.

"Er, yes... I have somewhere to be," I responded feeling a tension on my thigh.

"Hmm, school is in session right now. Are you perhaps a student Spidey?"

Gasping at his accuracy I looked away not noticing his smirk.

"Looks like I guessed right, which school do you go to? I'll give you a ride," his hot breathe let out.

No way in hell did I want him knowing where I went to school! Although he hasn't pulled off my mask without my permission so maybe I could trust him. No what was I thinking, he'd probably stalk me!

"If you don't tell me i'll just keep you captive," he whispered too close for comfort.

Not wanting to rile him up anymore I complied and was released from his hold. The taller male tossed me some clothes and said I could change in the bathroom. Similar to Wade's jacket his shirt hanged from my shoulders revealing my skin. Considering the horn-dog in the room over I put a tank top on underneath and walked out. Pool pouted at my choice but didn't say anything.

Not wanting to be any later the two of us hopped on his motorcycle and rode off. I was slightly scared not knowing how well he drove but the ride was surprisingly pleasant. On the way we stopped for breakfast burritos as I directed him to my school. Unbeknownst to me he was more than pleased finding out I went to the same school as him. Trying to keep my identity a secret he dropped me off at the back as I hopped off the bike.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Deadpool questioned.

"Uhm, no," I stated eyeing my surroundings.

Without hesitation he leaned in and gave my lips a peck through my mask. Remembering the occurrence with Wade I pulled away and ran off not looking back. God this was confusing! Once out of view I yanked off my mask and stuffed it in my bag.

Arriving at my third period I took a seat and noticed the shift in the room. 4 seats were empty, Wade's, Flash's, and the two lackeys who were now dead. Feeling uneasy I sat in my seat chewing on my pencil. I really hope Wilson's okay, I need to talk to him.

Venting to Deadpool really helped me understand my feelings and I knew what needed to be said to Wade. In no way did I think what he did was okay and I wanted him to know that. However I still hoped to have a relationship with him. Unlike other people I see death pretty regularly, besides this morning I was being spooned by an assassin. If I hang out with him then I can deal with a friend killing to protect me.

The rest of the day passed on and the scarred male never showed up. He hadn't been caught right? Anxiety began to wash over me as I noticed a man in red harassing the front desk. Wait, was that Pool?

"Oh please just let me inside, I'll leave the katanas outside?" He pleaded being pulled away by a police officer.

He must have been looking for me. Shouts could be heard from outside as the merc climbed the flag pole.

"I forgot to tell you! Meet me at our spot tonight, I need my clothes back!"

Did he really cause such a ruckus just to tell me that, cute. Letting out a chuckle a group of students watched as he was pushed into a cop car. I hated to admit it but his shenanigans made me feel a little better. Clutching onto my bag I started walking home awaiting tonight.

"Oi, Parker!" The merc shouted chasing after me.

Did he know? How? Freaking out internally I smiled fakely at him hoping he was oblivious.

"Come on! We gotta run!" He yelled tugging at my hand with force.

Confused, I looked back and realized the officer was chasing him. Why was he dragging me into this? Quickly we dashed around the corner squatting behind someones car.

"Listen, I saved your life. Now you gotta save mine, tell that cop I'm your husband and that I have schizophrenia or something," he stated shaking my shoulders frantically.

Astonished at his actions I nodded my head being pushed towards the officer. Stumbling over my feet I shuffled towards the enraged woman and began to speak.

"Im so sorry about him, my erm... my husband has schizophrenia and simply wanted to remind me of our date. Please let us off with just a warning!" I pleaded.

Weary of what I said she gave us a harsh scolding and recommended the taller male was prescribed something. Obediently agreeing we smiled one last time watching as she walked away.

"Wow, I didn't know you could lie that well. It was kinda hot," Deadpool peeked.

I know that me being Spiderman knows him but why is he so friendly with me as Peter? We've only met once like this, perhaps I knew him outside of the mask? Grimacing at the thought the merc wrapped his arm around my neck in a friendly manner thanking me for earlier. Assuring him it was fine he followed as I headed home, sort of like a lost puppy.

"Im sorry but, I'd rather you not know where I live," I said sheepishly.

"Oh, I already know where yo-" he paused, "Nevermind."

Well that was... weird.

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