Chapter 3

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Luckily Wade wasn't caught by Mr. Morita and was let off with a warning about the fight. Wade was sent home for the day but I got to stay and hear the gossip.

Did you hear, Wade beat the crap out of Flash. That new kid is hot. I heard that he and Peter are like a thing. The hot ones are always gay. Guess Peter finally hired a body guard. Oh my god he's in the hospital? Flash is gonna kill them.

The rest of the school day went by with the occasional questions and stares which spiked my spidey senses a little more than I would have liked. It went by fairly fast though which made me feel slightly better on my way home. That was soon ended though as I entered my house and saw that Aunt May had a date over! I know that she was ready but I wasn't, I still missed uncle Ben. The atmosphere was awkward as I shook his hand and learned that his name was Nathan. I decided best to hide out in my room and finish up homework until dinner time rolled around. 

When I glanced at the clock I quickly panicked realizing my suit was still in my backpack so I scurried to shove it behind my dresser hoping Wade wouldn't notice. I also happened to still be wearing my blood stained clothes from earlier so I changed my shirt into something a little nicer. Taking one last glance at the mirror I ran down stairs tripping a little. Wade had just entered the door and had brought my aunt flowers. He definitely wanted her approval, but why?

The taller male was dressed nicer than I had expected but I could tell he felt self conscious due to the beanie covering his head. He shook hands with my aunts date and then looked over at me.

"You look nice," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, you look better!" 

I blushed lightly at his response hoping he wouldn't see. Aunt May chatted a bit with Wade and soon she and I began to prepare dinner while the other two sat at the table watching. We were making my favorite lasagna, salad, and wheat cake. I was left in charge of cutting the vegetables but finished quickly since the lasagna was the main course. 

"Need anything else Aunt May?"

"Oh yes, could you please get me the measuring cup?" she asked.

"Sure thing!" I responded happily.

The measuring cup was at the top of the cupboard and me being only 5'7 couldn't reach.  I pouted a little stretching my body to its limit as I felt a swift movement behind me. Wade was leaning towards my backside grabbing the measuring cup for me which sent me into a flurry. Him being 6'2 could reach it quite easily so I felt like he lingered against me a little longer than necessary. 

"Here Aunt May," He handed the cup to her while staring directly at me.

"Oh," I felt slightly irritated but also flustered at the same time, "Thanks Wade."

"Sure thing Petey!" 

Petey? I guess we are on friend basis now that he is giving me nicknames. My aunt and I finished dinner without anymore problems and Wade helped set the table. I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation as I savored the sweet taste of my food. That is until I heard my name.

"Peter never mentioned you before," Aunt may said looking at me.

I perked my head up.

"Oh well we haven't talked much and I'm fairly new to Midtown, I'm actually from Canada," Wade grinned.

"Oh Canada, what a pretty country. Well Wade I'm glad you two became friends! Peter over here hasn't got many so you're a true blessing," Aunt May cheeked.

Well I guess it's final, Wade and I are friends now. I think I've only talked to him once and the first time we just bumped into each other. Maybe it would be nice to have a friend besides Harry, he seemed nice enough. The rest of the night went on smoothly and Wade left around 8. I'm not sure when Nathan went home because as soon as dinner was over I was ready to catch some bad guys!

While gliding from one building to the next I felt at peace. The wind was blowing a calm breeze and my injuries were healing well. I was excited to see what the night brought that was until I saw a certain anti-hero slicing a couple in half. I quickly swooped down towards the action and webbed Deadpool to the wall. 

"Hey Love-Bug! How you been?" he smirked.

"Not the time Pool! Why on Earth did you kill these two?"

"I already told you, I kill for pay. Besides these two are evil, they drowned their kids in the bathtub," Deadpool stated with a somber face.

I hesitated, "Murder is still wrong."

I could tell Deadpool felt slightly uncomfortable but he masked it with humor

"So is that ass of yours," he said with sly.

"Ugh," I facepalmed and notified the police, "Come on let's go," I dragged him along.

Deep down I felt kind of turned on but my excitement to stop crime helped me ignore it. Luckily the merc couldn't tell so we traveled towards the next crime scene. In all of the action I spotted a villain I knew all too well, Sandman. I handled his power worst since my webs were pretty much helpless. It seemed as though he was assaulting a group of men in a warehouse. I grabbed Deadpool by the waist and slung us up the building.

"Alright, you stay here. Sandman is dangerous," I said sternly.

"What! No way, I'm coming with you!" he protested.

"Shhh, shut up you idiot. I don't want him to know we're here." I exclaimed.

Without doubt I swung down quietly from an open window and pulled some of the people towards me with my webs. Calmly I gestured for them to slide down the wall into the open trash bin and they all did without much hesitation. The only person I couldn't get to without Sandman noticing was the man he was screaming at. I decided best not to question his reason and climbed above Sandman's head.

"Hey Sandy!" I yelled from above.

The tall male glanced up and growled with anger. He quickly threw his fist up sending sand my direction. I swung around the top dodging his hits hoping it gave the man enough time to escape. Sandman only grew more upset as his attacks weren't landing.

"Come and face me like a man!"

"Okay for one, that's sexist, and two, calm down man," I said while still dodging.

Sandman was really worked up now and he was throwing his sand fist will full force. I dodged easily but then saw his other fist coming towards my face. I closed my eyes to brace for the pain but it never came. I opened my eyes and was laying on the ground while Deadpool's bloody body laid under the sand. With a gasp I rushed over to his now crippled body and started to cry.  While all this was happening Sandman made a quick escape out the back.

"Oh my god, Deadpool! Hang in there!" I whisper screamed due to internal panic.

Majority of his body was squashed into pieces and I couldn't make out anything past his legs. 

"Say goodbye to Al for me," he said before going limp.

Deadpool, he was dead! Minutes passed and I sobbed over his body until I heard a light chuckle.

"Ha! Gotcha, you totally fell for it!" Deadpool yelled still bleeding out.


"Haha! I can't die," he laughed coughing up some blood.

I wiped my tear soaked mask and let go of him, he fell to the floor with a thud. I've had enough heroing for one night.

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