Chapter 5

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Peters POV

After the events following last night I am exhausted. I honestly thought Deadpool was dead, good thing he's okay. To be honest, his power is pretty insane. In the future I'm gonna sacrifice him a lot more! I was also pretty thankful that it was finally the weekend, I needed sleep. Aunt May was downstairs making breakfast so I figured I could sleep in a little more until my phone lit up with a buzz.

Unknown Number                                                                                                                                                                 "Hey Petey, what's up?"

Me                                                                                                                                                                                                 "I'm sorry, who is this?"

Unknown Number                                                                                                                                                                 "Did your Aunt not tell you? She gave me your number, it's Wade."

With a groan I slapped by forehead and yelled downstairs for my aunt.

"Why did you give Wade my number?" I questioned with frustration.

I could hear her giggle from downstairs, "I figured you'd want your friends number, was I wrong?" she stated.

I didn't respond out of embarrassment and went back to texting Wade.

Me                                                                                                                                                                                      "No she didn't tell me..."

Wade                                                                                                                                                                                             "Oh well I was thinking we could go out for lunch together?"

My mind began to race, was this a date? No, Wade is just a friend. I bit my lip anxiously and responded with a sure. Around noon he was gonna come pick me up, weirdly he wouldn't tell me where we were going. Part of me wanted to sleep some more but there was no way I could now.

Not knowing what we doing I threw on a decent outfit that fit most occasions, grey jeans, a flannel, white converse, and a blue sweater since it was fairly chilly out. I then threw my phone on my bed and went downstairs to discuss my plans with Aunt May.

"Morning Aunt May!" I said sitting down for breakfast.

"Well someone's in a good mood," she smiled while placing my pancakes in front of me.

My face lit up at her words as I looked to the floor. She was right, I was excited...not because he's cute or anything. I'm just happy to have a friend close by. Yeah, that's it.

"Thanks for breakfast," I responded ignoring her previous comment.

"So," I started, "Would it be okay if I went out for lunch with Wade?"

Aunt May stared at me with a devilish look and nodded her head. That was a strange response but at least she said yes.

"Oh Peter, I was called in to work today so I have to leave soon but have fun with Wade."

After finishing up her coffee she went to her room and got ready, soon after she left. I scarfed down the rest of my pancakes and checked my phone for the most recent news.

Spiderman Spotted With Popular Mercenary

This would not be good for my reputation, I may have to get Deadpool to stop killing. With a sigh I closed my tabs and cleaned up the kitchen. Once everything was spick and span I turned on the radio and did some homework. Not many crimes were happening since it was early in the day so I finished my work with ease. Noon began to approach and I decided to wait on the porch for Wade.

Not much time went by till I saw someone pull up in taxi, the tall male jumped out of the passenger seat and called me over. Considering the fact that we lived in New York I wasn't too surprised by the cab and greeted both Wade and the driver with a smile, the two of us then hopped in the back.

"Hey Petey, this is Dopinder. He is a good friend of mine from Canada," he gestured towards the driver.

"Hi Dopinder, it's nice to meet you!"

The short male was quite skinny and had an Indian accent. He responded to my greeting with an awkward hello and then started the car. It was good to see that Wade wasn't all alone in America and I could tell he and Dopinder got along well.

"Alright, where to Mr. Po-"

Before the driver could finish Wade placed a hand over his mouth a let out a shushing sound. 

"Oh, right. Where to Mr. Wilson?" he corrected.

That was kind of strange? What was Dopinder gonna call him, perhaps a nickname? I brushed off my confusion and listened to my friend speak.

"The Mexican Food Factory," Wade said with a grin.

So that's where we were going, I hadn't been there in a long time. To be honest I didn't even remember what their food tasted like. We pulled onto the highway and made our way in that direction, it was a long drive that would hopefully be worth it. 

When we arrived at our destination we said goodbye to the taxi driver and started walking towards the restaurant.

"No, now is not the time," Wade said.

I looked at him in confusion, I hadn't said anything? His random outburst reminded me a bit of a certain anti-hero I knew but I decided it was best to brush it off. As we got closer to the building I was blown away with their decorations, they definitely upgraded since I'd last been there. The beige colored walls were covered in colorful flags and in each corner there was a historical mural. Wade opened the door for me and I walked in with a smile.

"Hello, how many?" a waitress asked.

"Two, could we have a window seat please?" he responded.

She nodded and lead us towards a brightly lit up booth with a view of the bustling city outside. The woman then handed us our menus and asked what we would like to drink. Wade ordered a Dr. Pepper and I got a Fanta. Our waitress then left to grab what we requested.

"I'm surprised you took me here," I told him.

With hesitation he asked, "Do you not like Mexican food?"

"Oh no, this place has good food. I just never would of that you'd take me somewhere so far," my statement brought him comfort.

"I see, well I love Mexican food! Especially Chimichangas!" the taller male exclaimed.

I giggled at his enthusiasm as the waitress came back with our drinks. She set down Wade's Dr. Pepper and went to hand me mine but it slipped causing my shirt to be soaked. The lady apologized frantically but I reassured her that it was fine. After cleaning up the mess on the table I decided it was best to head to the bathroom to clean the orange stain from my sweater.

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