Chapter 14

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Peter's POV

Every part of my body ached but my left leg especially. An unfamiliar man who asked to be called Ajax chopped my leg off while I was at school and let me pass out from blood loss. Lucky for me I managed to survive but wasn't too thrilled when I woke up.

The room was made entirely of cement as my limp body was chained to an old hospital bed. Looking down at my now stump of a limb I let out a shaky breathe as tears rolled down my face. A stained white bandage covered the injury making me feel relieved, it was better than nothing. Hours passed by with different people rotating between beating me up. Eventually my body gave out and I was once again out cold.

Wade's POV

Arriving at my house I grabbed every single weapon I owned and piled them into a duffel bag. Faster then I could blink I sped towards the building ignoring the traffic laws. Looking the walls up and down I noticed an open window near the top and began to climb. Due to the age of the building it was fairly easy to scale as I slipped into the opening. Immediately I was greeted with three armed guards coming at me. Unfazed I shot them all in the head stepping over their bodies.

I didn't have time for this, I needed to find Petey. In a hurry I kicked down the next door and was met with a burning pain. The next set of men shot both my kneecaps hoping to render me motionless but I laughed at the agony and sliced off their heads. Not knowing which room he was in this pattern repeated itself until I found a deadbolted cement room, he had to be in there. Thinking of how to get him out I heard a devilish chuckle from behind.

"Long time no see Wilson," Ajax teased.

"Oh shut up Francis! Just tell me what you want and give me Peter back!" I growled.

The deranged man laughed at my statement making me concerned.

"Your just too gullible! I only lured you here to keep you captive. I can't have my best experiment be roaming around the streets," Freeman cackled.

Growing more pissed with every passing minute I shot him chest not receiving a reaction.  Oh how I craved his suffering, too bad he can't feel it. Hearing the gunshots his lady pet tackled me to the floor with force. Damn, I forgot how strong she was! Grunting in pain she yanked my bag from my arms handing it to her boss. Unbeknownst to her I always hid a spare gun in my boot. Smiling I pulled it out and shot the psycho in her temple. Satisfied with the sight I looked the doctor in the eye preparing for a fight. 

Readying my pistol I took the first shot landing it in his shoulder blade. Quickly ducking behind a metal crate he fired my own weapons at me briefly pausing to reload. With each break in the shooting I shot him without hesitation. This went on for a while until the sound stopped, did I kill him? Peeking over my shoulder the dickbag was gone and a puddle of blood replaced him. Part of me wanted to go after him but I knew I was needed elsewhere. 

Grabbing the duffel bag I pulled out a grenade and chucked it at the door. With a bang it popped off as smoke filled the air. Not caring I dropped my weapons and ran in, what I saw shook me to my core. A beaten up bloodied Parker laid still chained up to a bed. Bruises coated his precious body and his left leg was missing. Part of me hoped Francis was just bluffing this proved he was not. Internally panicking I broke his restraints and held him in my arms.

{Don't just stand there! Call someone}

Bumbling over myself I pulled out my phone and dialed emergency services. After explaining his injuries they requested I carry him outside so it's easier to get him in the ambulance. Following their orders I hoisted the teen over my shoulder and made my way out of the building. Still in a panic I held him close and cradled him in my arms whispering words of comfort. Soon enough the vehicle arrived and they lifted him up into it. Following behind closely I sat next to him clutching his hand in fear.

Three days had passed since the accident and Peter was still in the hospital. Aunt May and I seemed to live there considering we hardly left. The doctors assured us he would be fine but that he would require months of recovery. Due to his missing leg he would have to wear a prosthetic and become readjusted to moving around. Time seemed to be going slow as he learnt his new way of life. Spiderman had been missing during Pete's recovery and I finally connected the pieces. It honestly made a lot of sense.

Parkers final day in the hospital was a happy one. He was walking around great and looked forward to going back to being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. The two of us grew closer because of the incident and we became partners. Majority of the time we went to school and managed our part time jobs but on the weekends we were out saving people. It felt good having Pete around and I looked forward to what would come.

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