Chapter 1

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Peters POV


Many of you may know me as Spiderman, the friendly neighborhood hero. However underneath the mask I'm just a normal high school student named Peter Parker. I live alone with my Aunt May and my Uncle Ben recently passed away. Uncle Ben taught me that with great power comes great responsibility so when I was bitten by a radioactive spider I decided to use my powers for good and become the hero New York needed. It wasn't easy but I eventually got the hang of it. Even so, I am still constantly lying to my Aunt and most people at school still avoid me, things are rough.

With a sigh I groggily hop out of bed and am greeted with instant pain. Last nights patrol was brutal, I had to fight 6 guys alone. It sure would be nice to have a partner. I stood up and examined myself in the mirror. My rib cage was a dark blue tone and my lip was busted open on the left. Too top it all off there was a gunshot wound in my right thigh that I previously had to dig the bullet out of. I groaned and winced some more as I examined my injuries, knowing my aunt I threw on a grey hoodie and some blue skinny jeans hoping to hide my beaten body. I then quickly rushed downstairs to get a head start on breakfast, I was starving. Luckily for me it was Aunt Mays day off and she was sleeping in, so I should be fine until tonight. 

After stuffing my face full of Cocoa Puffs I grabbed my backpack and headed out the front making sure to close the door quietly. On most days I would web to school but I was early for once so I walked instead. Midtown was an okay school with okay students, my biggest problem was Flash, a giant blonde boy who beat me up pretty regularly. I know I could easily send him through the window but I felt better using my powers for good and not revenge.

Upon arrival I saw my best and only friend Harry Osborn loitering outside the gate. I really missed Harry, his dad was super wealthy so last year he switched to private school. Harry was fairly tall with dirty blonde hair that was always gelled back. His clothes fit him perfect and I never once saw a stain, to be honest our only shared interest was science.

"Hey Harry!" I said with a wave.

"Oh hey Peter, how are you doing?" he asked.

"I've been well, I sure do miss you-" before I could finish my sentence the school bell rang and Harry ran off realizing he would be late.

I laughed a little at his mannerisms and headed inside the building. My first period I was lucky enough to share with Flash and even better he sat right behind me. Just like every other day he kicked my back with his massive feet leaving marks that I've grown accustomed to. A few minutes passed and more students flooded in along with the teacher. Mrs. Winterhalter was a good teacher and she made English more fun than my previous teachers. 

"Hello class, today we have a new student from Canada. Wade will you come up to the front please?" she said gesturing to a shady figure in the back.

The guy slumped forward until he reached the white board. He was strange that's for sure, he wore a hood over his face and the teacher didn't punish him or even say anything. I couldn't tell what he looked like besides from his scarred thick neck and big hands that he tried to hide in his pockets. 

"Class, this is Wade Wilson. I hope you all treat him with respect and come to see that he is just like us."

Wade seemed to wince at her words and I understood why. I'm pretty sure he was older than most of us by a few years and he had a lot of scars from what I could see. I was interested in finding out more about him and why he transferred here. Wade took a seat in the only available spot which was to the right of Flash, poor guy. Flash gave him a mischievous smirk and kicked my back even harder. Wade only stared at the guy and ran his eyes down Flash's feet with a grunt. 

The rest of the day went on as normal, I answered all my teachers questions correctly, did some tests, and got shoved in my locker. I would normally be looking forward to patrolling but I hurt like hell. Every part of my body felt like it was burning, despite my body's warnings I sneaked off into a nearby alleyway and changed into the costume everyone loved. There wasn't much going on considering it was only 3:00pm but I was able to stop a few people from running red lights with my webs and escort a lost kid home. After a few hours went by the sun began to set and I knew that the real commotion was about to begin. Already I heard screams coming from behind an abandoned building and quickly webbed over to find a woman being harassed by two men dressed in black. 

"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to steal?" I questioned wittily.

"Fuck! It's Spiderman!"

Before the two could say anything more I shot them towards the wall and left them for the police to find. I quickly turned my head to the woman to check her for injuries but it only seemed they wanted her money.

"Alright ma'am, do you feel well enough to go home on your own?"

"Yes, thank you so much Spiderman!" she exclaimed.

I nodded my head and scaled the building.

"That was impressive," an unfamiliar voice said from above.

I quickly looked up and was greeted with a muscular man with katanas strapped to his back. The suit he was wearing was covered in red with black patches over his eyes, shoulders, hands, and thighs. His clothes fit nicely around his figure, not too tight but highlighting his muscles and bulge. My face turned into a tomato under my mask as I reached the top.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I questioned.

"Well that's a first, most heroes know who I am. The names Deadpool, I am a mercenary," he said with a smirk.

I scratched my neck, "Oh, I'm not really a big hero, I mostly do little work but it's nice to meet you. I disagree with what you do but you seem fine now so I'll be taking my leave."

"Wait!" he yelled, "Can't we talk bug-boy?" 

I stared at him in astonishment. What did he just call me?

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