Chapter 4

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[White Box]

{Yellow Box}

Wades POV

Today was my first day at school and if I'm being honest I was nervous. Mainly because I never completed school and the fact that I am here to eliminate a target. It might be nice though to get some more education, maybe I could do more with my life?


[Yeah I like what we do!]

"I mean yeah it pays well but it's repetitive," I mumbled back to the voices.

As usual I wore my hood and due to my ugly appearance the principal made an exception for me. I made sure to have my first period with my target, Peter Parker. Now normally I wouldn't go after anyone under 18 but he's only a year away and the pay is gonna set me for life. I entered the classroom forgetting my backpack and leaned against a table in the back. Slowly more people entered until I saw Peter.

Peter was a nerdy looking guy who was only 5'7. He looked as if he used to wear glasses by the bump on the bridge of his nose. His curly brown hair framed his angled face nicely with a little bit of an unkept look. I had to admit, he was pretty cute.

[Do we have to kill him? He's so adorable!]

{Yeah I agree, I'd rather just fuck him.}

Before I could respond the teacher called me up to the front of the class asking me to introduce myself, this would be interesting. I sulked up towards the front and planted my hooded eyes on Peter, he looked even better at this angle. I smirked a little as the teacher spoke.

"Class, this is Wade Wilson. I hope you all treat him with respect and come to see that he is just like us," she stated.

I winced a little at her words knowing that she made me stand out even more than I already did. I was the tallest, most likely the oldest student in the classroom and I'm sure my mangled mug didn't help. I was seated next to some jackass named Flash who got on my nerve since we first made eye contact. He smirked at me as if he was looking for a fight. I didn't really mind knowing I could easily kill him. However his feet kept kicking Parker in the back causing me to grunt. If anyone was going to hurt him it would be me.

[Like in bed?]

{I'm up for that.}

I mumbled a shut up under my breathe and the class eventually ended. The rest of the day went by normal and I figured out my targets schedule. He was in a lot of advanced classes so I may have to pull some strings in order to get close to him. Eventually the day came to an end so I waited for a kill request. Within an hour my phone rang and it was an easy mission, take out someone's racist grandpa. I quickly changed and called for my taxi, once arriving the kill was easy considering his old age. I figured I had some time to spare so I headed off to get chimichangas but on the way I spotted someone swinging on the rooftops.

This was interesting, chimichangas could wait. I followed the red and blue figure until he swooped down into an alleyway. Without hesitation I climbed to the top of the building to get a better view and I had to admit, this guy was impressive. With ease he stuck them to the wall and made sure the woman was okay, must be another hero I don't know of. He then scaled the building I was on and I couldn't help but strike up a conversation.

I complimented his performance and got a better look of the spider. He was wearing a tight fit red and blue suit with a webbing pattern around it. In the center of his chest there was a unique spider design that tied together his overall look. The costume fit around him nice and tight allowing me to get a better view of his lean build and short stature. I thought Peter was cute but this dude was straight up hot.

We chatted some more and I was able to convince him to let me tag along with him the rest of the night. At first he seemed hesitant to open up but he laughed at all my jokes and didn't mind my occasional outbursts. The night ended with us parting ways but I would be sure to find the bug-boy again.

My second day of school was very entertaining, all day I watched Peter like a hawk and I could tell how uneasy it was making him. When lunch rolled around that dickwad Flash pulled me to a corner and grabbed my shirt collar.

"Stay away from peter! I saw you watching him all day long," He growled.

I laughed hysterically, I now know why Flash was such a douche. He had a crush on Petey and I guess the only way he knew how to let it out was by beating him senseless. I was enjoying this little encounter so I leaned my head down and whispered in his ear.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

He was shocked at my reaction but quickly shifted into rage as Peter tapped on his shoulder. 

"Hey Flash, how is your day going?" the brunette asked with a fake tone.

"Well if it isn't Penis Parker? Come to save your boyfriend?" Flash let out.

Now I was really enjoying this, I was even a little hard. That is until Flash sucker punched the shorter male in the eye. 

[Did Flash just?]

{Oh! It's on!}

Pulling myself from the hands of Flash I hooked him in the jaw and he fell to the floor. I'm not sure what overcame me but I just kept throwing. He managed to get a few hits in as well but it didn't faze me one bit. People swarmed around us and pulled me from his bloodied body, with one final grin I spit my tooth at his face and was whisked away to the principals office.

I was sat down in the hall and eventually Peter arrived as well. His eye was a dark red and purple adding a roughed up look to him. We talked some and he thanked me for my earlier actions. I wasn't paying full attention to what he was saying, just his lips as they moved. Mr. Morita eventually called him in and I was left to sit alone.

{I wonder what Petey and Bug-Boy would be like in bed together?}

[I look forward to that, too bad we have to kill him.]

The voices were right, I had never denied a job but for some reason the thought of killing him would be tough. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a gentle voice asked to sit next to me. The woman was older with grey hair and aged wrinkled. She had a gentle look to her and resembled Peter in a way. 

"Here," she said handing me a cloth.

I wiped the dried blood off my face and flashed her a toothy grin. I'm not sure why but at that moment she opened up to me about Parker.

"I'm here to see my nephew, he apparently got in a fight. I feel bad for the boy, ever since my husband died he just hasn't been the same. He often sneaks out and night and comes back with fresh wounds. I've tried talking with him about it but he just wont open up," her words carried with a deep sadness.

"Wait, you're Peters Aunt? I know Peter! He saved me today from a bully," I half lied.

The woman's somber eyes lit up with delight and she became overjoyed. I could tell I had made an impact on her, she sort of felt like the mom I never had.

"Oh, that's just wonderful! All this time I thought he was off doing who knows what but the fact that he did that for you, well it brings me hope."

I talked with Peteys relative who I later learned was named Aunt May. We connected well and exchanged phone numbers, she even invited me over for dinner. Happiness washed over me but not because I would learn where my target lives, because I was welcomed with warmth and kindness. That night I enjoyed Peters company and realized he would be my hardest kill yet.

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