Chapter 7

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Wade's POV

Today was a very important day, I had a date with Petey. I woke up with an ache in my chest knowing that even though I enjoyed the others company, his life would come to an end because of me. I had been holding off killing him for a few weeks now and it was time I stopped messing around and just did it. Reaching towards my phone I messaged the brunette and told him when I would pick him up. After getting dressed I called up Dopinder and he arrived soon after. 

"Hey buddy!" I greeted.

"Hello Mr. Pool, where to today?" he asked.

"Well actually I have a date and am gonna need you to call me Wade Wilson today. His address is 187 Chrystie Street, Manhattan," I responded with a smirk.

The rest of the ride was peaceful and we discussed Dopinders love life. Once we arrived at Pete's place I spotted him on the porch and called him over. Sadly he was wearing a sweater and I couldn't get a good view of his cute body. Knowing I shouldn't think that way about a target I looked out the window and frowned, he didn't seem to notice.

"Alright, where to Mr.Po-" the taxi driver started.

Quickly I placed my hand over his mouth and shushed into his ear. His body began to tense and he seemed to realize his mistake. He then corrected himself addressing me as Mr. Wilson. Once he knew the next location he pulled out and we headed towards The Mexican Food Factory. Upon arrival I hopped out and opened the door for Peter in a gentle manner. He chuckled at my actions and we walked towards the building. 

{Yay! I love Mexican food!}

[Me too but I'd rather be eating Spidey]

"No, now is not the time," I groaned at the voices.

I glanced over at Parker and he seemed mildly confused but didn't say a word. We got to the front and once again I opened the door for him being gifted with his smile. Knowing I wanted a window seat I told the waitress and she escorted us to a booth near the back. 

"What can I get for you both?" she asked politely.

"I'll take a Dr. Pepper and he'll have?"

"Fanta please!" he responded.

The wait for our drinks went smoothly and I was able to make him comfortable with my jokes. In no means did I want him to know I planned on killing him. Soon the waitress came back with our sodas but she "accidently" poured Peter's Fanta all over him. The two began to wipe down the table and the brunette headed towards the bathroom to clean his clothes. Before I could react the woman sat down next to me and smiled.

"I'm so glad he's gone, it's not often we get uglies like you in here. How about we have some fun?" she giggled petting my arm.

I growled in response hating her touch and pushed her off. Slyly I leaned into her ear and whispered.

"Fuck off!"

The bitch gasped and trotted off with a huff. After waiting around for Petey I realized that he was most likely alone in the bathroom and that now would be a good time to kill him. Slowly I sauntered towards the restroom door and pushed it open. I realized I couldn't hurt him as I saw his circumstance. The short male was standing in front of the mirror shirtless as water droplets slid down his body. His stomach was slightly toned and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"Well aint that a sight."

He blushed at my words and looked over at his ruined clothes. With a chuckle I put my coat around his small frame and felt my pants tighten. I'm not sure what it was but he just had a way of making me feel full. Peter thanked me and we decided to get our food to go. 

"How about we make a quick stop at the thrift store? I'll buy you a new shirt," I stated.

The boy only nodded as we walked across the street and entered the shop. Inside were elders and single parents looking for goods to buy. The place wasn't too crowded considering the time and we managed to find a few shirts for him to try on. Eagerly he entered the dressing room and I waited for him outside. As soon as he stepped out I knew it was the shirt for him!

The tight white fabric gripped his skin nicely and the folds shaped his lean frame. Due to the thin material I could make out his budded nipples as I tilted my head back with anticipation. 

"Do you think it's too small?" He questioned eyeing himself in the mirror.

"No, It's perfect," I reassured, "Let's go!"

My words were fast as I pulled him towards check out. After paying for the lovely shirt we went to the local park and sat at the fountain to eat. Parker must have been starving because he took huge bites of his burrito. I eyed him with each bite and frowned thinking of his lifeless body in my hands. 

"You got a little something," I said referring to the rice on his face. 

He wiped his face frantically but somehow managed to miss the food.

"Here let me."

Scooting closely towards him I slid my rough thumb across his upper lip bringing the rice to my mouth. With a lick I smirked at him as his cheeks lit up. I wanted this moment to last longer but a loud roar sounded from a nearby crowd. Peter quickly scurried off and left me sitting there in confusion. Where the fuck was he going?

Annoyed, I stood up leaving the food to get cold as I rushed after him. The brunette disappeared from vision before reappearing entering an alley. My legs ran that way and I realized what he was doing. Some weirdo in a bird suit had stole from some locals so Petey planned on getting them back, what an idiot! Not wanting him to know I followed I hid behind a trash can and changed into my suit. Time to kill some bitches!

Without hesitation I climbed to the roof and eyed down the attacker. He clawed my date from behind causing his limp body to hit the floor. Anger began to rush over me and I jumped onto the creatures back slicing him in half. Blood splattered across my face and katanas as I kicked his disheveled body. My breathing was heavy as I stood over him soon remembering Pete.

The boy was unconscious and blood flowed from his scratched cheek. Carefully I threw him over my shoulder and walked home tiredly. The distance was long but I'd been through worse. Upon arrival I kicked open the door and was greeted with a familiar voice, Blind Al.

"Who's there? I won't hesitate to shoot!" she hollered. 

"It's just me," I reassured. 

"Jesus, I should get you a bell."

I laughed at her joke and set Peter on the couch with a thud. 

"What did I tell you about putting dead people on my couch?" she yelled.

"He's not dead, just unconscious."

Al huffed at my response knowing my struggle. I told her everything and she knew that Parker was my next target. I really did plan on killing him but I just... couldn't. The thought of hurting him made me sick. Feeling conflicted I sat down beside him and watched as he slept.

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