Chapter 9

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Entering my first period my spidey senses began to go off like crazy. The entire classroom was filled with noise as the voices of the students sounded throughout the school. What was going on? Confused, I sat in my chair and listened to what people were saying. 

Did you hear? Deadpool and Spiderman are dating! They make such a cute couple. Too bad, I was really hoping he was straight. If you look closely you can see that Spiderman's wearing fishnets! 

Realizing what was going on I pulled out my phone and read todays news. On the cover was a picture of me a Pool getting hotdogs. The article explained how we had been spotted together and that this photo proved that we were dating. I was shocked, I thought people would assume I was a bad guy not that we were... a couple. The idea of him being my boyfriend made my face hot as I shoved my phone back in my pocket before hearing a raspy chuckle from behind. Wade was watching me close and I assumed he noticed my frantic state. Remembering that I previously ditched him guilt spread throughout my body as he stared intently. 

"So uhm, about Saturday..." I began before being cut off.

"It's fine, don't stress it. How are your injuries?" he questioned. 

Forgetting my roughed up state I reassured him I was fine. To be honest I wasn't sure which situation he was referring too, I seemed to have a new mark each day. Before we could continue the bell rang and the class quieted down, then came the teacher. The rest of the class went along smoothly considering Flash was absent but once again I felt eyes on me. Uneasy I turned my head and spotted a pair of white eyes. Wade didn't even react when I noticed his lustful glare which of course made my palms sweat. There was definitely romantic tension between us and I was nervous as to where it would go. What if it did go somewhere though, I felt the same way about Deadpool. 

Stressing the situation I bit my lip writing notes down anxiously. Eventually lunch came and talk of the news began to die down. Sitting down with my tray I saw a familiar face walking towards me, Harry. 

"Hey Peter, what's up?" he asked smoothly.

"Oh you know just being lonely without you," I joked.

We laughed as he sat down across from me. I wasn't sure why he was at my school but I decided not to ask not wanting to pry. 

Wades POV

Peter seemed nervous during class, probably because of the news. I would be anxious too if a hot merc saved my life but then ending up having a boyfriend, even if it wasn't true. He probably didn't think that way but I liked getting my hopes up. During lunch I looked for the short brunette spotting him at a table with some blonde. Jealousy built up in my stomach as I made my way over.

"Hey Pete," I greeted sitting too close to comfort.

His blue eyes looked at me flustered as his body tensed. 

"Oh hi Wade, this is my friend Harry," he smiled back.

Comforted by the word friend I faked a smile at rich looking teen and went back to focusing on Petey. 

"So, I saw you taking notes in class and was wondering if you could help me. I'm confused on what we're doing. Could I go to your place after school?" I begged.

I wasn't lying, I didn't understand what we were doing in class but I figured this way I could get closer with the brunette. 

"Oh uhm actually I'm hanging out with Harry after school but you could join us," Peter said looking at his friend.

"I'm cool with that," stated Harry.

{What! Harry is just gonna get in the way!}

[Yeah but at least we get to spend time with him.]

I had to agree with the voices, the blonde would be a nuisance but at least I would see Pete. With a smile I agreed and we continued talking.

"So Peter, how did you get that scratch on your face?" he asked.

It would be interesting to see how he responded. I of course already knew the answer but the brunette didn't know that.

"Oh erm... some angry bird."

Technically he wasn't lying, how cute. Harry didn't bother too much with it being used to his friend being injured. The rest of lunch I stuffed my face and bid farewell to the both of them. By the time 2:45 rolled around the three of us grouped up outside the school gates and headed towards Petey's house. The short blue eyed male unlocked the door and escorted to his bedroom upstairs.

"Wow, I haven't been here in a while," laughed the blonde.

"Yeah," Peter responded obviously distraught.

As much as I felt bad for him it was nice knowing no one would get in the way of our relationship, especially not those goons. Last night was pretty rough for me, I realized  couldn't kill Parker. With my newfound knowledge I confronted the gang who hired me. Of course with my luck they got mad and shot me in the stomach but bug-boy came to my rescue. We then went on a 'date' that he didn't know was a 'date' and got caught by the public. Hence the news of us being a couple, heh. Lately I felt pretty confused about the two males in my life, I felt really strongly about both of them.

Harry, Peter, and I decided to play some games to kill time. My favorite was Mario Cart because I absolutely schooled the other two. Afterwards we ate some snacks, watched a movie, and read some of Pete's comics. He had a pretty good collection if I'm being honest. 

"Oh crap!" Harry stated standing up in a rush.

"What?" Petey asked.

"I gotta go, I forgot my dad was having a work conference at our house. He wants me to meet some of his coworkers," Osborn sighed grabbing his stuff.

I could tell him leaving made the boy upset but it was working good in my favor, now we get some alone time. Due to his friends absence we picked up the house a little and decided to start on our school work. Pulling out my papers I set them on his desk as he pulled up a chair beside me. 

"Okay, so why don't we start by you copying my notes," the brunette cheeked.

{Boo, that's lame!}

[Yeah, can't we get to the fun stuff?]

Deciding to ignore them I quickly wrote down what he did onto my paper. The earlier I finished this the sooner I would get to mess with him. Once I finished I looked at the male finding him lost in thought, I couldn't help but stare. His long black lashes complimented his blue eyes while his light skin was coated in freckles. Remembering him shirtless in the bathroom made me smirk but I was pulled out of thought when he began to speak.

Working on some of the problems I slyly scooted closer and closer to him. Occasionally I would pretend not to know the answer just so I could hear his soothing voice in my ear. I couldn't focus anyways, he was driving me crazy. 

"Okay Wade, does that make sense?" Peter finished explaining, "Wade, are you paying atten-"

Before he could finish speaking I filled the distance between us and greeted his lips with mine. Able to feel his breath on my face the skin on arm stood up as I slowly licked his bottom lip. Asking for entrance with my tongue he obliged and gripped the back of my shirt. Our tongues fought for a while until I pulled away for air, saliva connecting us. The small boy panted underneath me as his face flushed a bright red. 

"Did you like that?" I whispered in his ear.

The now tomato of a boy didn't respond as he stared deeply into my eyes. We stayed like that what seemed like forever until a knock was heard at the door.

"Peter honey, time for dinner," his aunt called.

Not wanting to let go the boy pulled away slightly before responding to her.

"O-Okay Aunt May, I'll be down in a minute," he huffed still breathing intensely. 

Knowing I had to leave I gave Peter a quick peck on the lips and climbed out the window. During the situation I seemed calm but my head was flooded with thoughts of Spiderman. What would this do to our relationship?

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