Chapter 10

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Peter's POV

What just happened? Wade kissed me, and I liked it! I liked it a lot! I knew he was flirty but I wasn't sure if he was serious. Now that I knew he was, my heart felt like leaping out of my chest.

Not wanting to upset Aunt May I walked downstairs and sat down to eat. I didn't want to eat, I wanted the taste of Wade to stay in my mouth. Dinner felt bland compared to his tongue and I couldn't concentrate on anything the older woman was saying.

That night I was restless, the thought of our encounter hadn't left my mind. Twisting and turning in my sleep I finally drifted off around midnight. Tomorrow would be tiring.

Of course I was right, although it didn't start that way. Flash had finally recovered and was back in school. Unbeknownst to me he had a revenge plan. Wade hadn't showed up first period and it began to worry me. Then around lunch time both he and Flash's gang were missing, I really hoped they weren't messing with him.

Finally the end of the day bell rang and I walked home. I needed someone to vent to, perhaps Deadpool? Lost in thought I didn't notice Flash behind the corner as he pulled me into the alley.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

Flash smirked at my question and shoved a rag in my mouth before knocking me unconscious. It seemed like no time passed as I opened my eyes to find myself in the schools janitor closet. Both my hands and feet were tied together and I was still unable to speak. Glancing around the tiny room I noticed a beaten Wade, Flash, and two of his lackeys.

"Alright Penis Parker, listen up! Last time you and this monster had the upper hand on me. But from this point on, I'm the boss! If you even so much as look at each other I'll brake each and every one of your fingers. You got that?" The tall bully screamed in my face.

With force he pulled the rag from my mouth and waited for my response. However, it never came. Noticing the scarred male in the corner I could see the shimmer of his pocket knife. Silently he cut the rope around his wrists and sliced the throats of Flash's friends. The blonde quickly turned around seeing the blood bath. About to scream he was then met with an arm around his neck.

"This has been fun white it's lasted but I'm getting bored. You're about to pass out but hopefully you'll remember this. Don't touch what's mine!" Wade whispered in his ear.

Sliding the now limp body to the floor Wilson cut the restrictions around my hands and started on my feet. I had seen my fair share of violence but never have I seen someone do that! He just casually killed two people and threatened Flash. Wait, did he call me his? He was joking right?

"Are you okay?" His husky voice asked laced with concern.

"Ye-yes but... Why did you kill them?"

The tall male glanced over to the corpses and then back at me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, sometimes I get carried away," Wade stated running his hand over his head.

That didn't seem right, has he killed in the past? I was very uncomfortable with the earlier events but felt conflicted inside. He killed them to save me, so was it really that wrong? Deep down I knew I shouldn't be thinking that way, I'm a hero. Yet that didn't stop me from hugging him, not wanting to let go.

Due to the events Wade had me head home while he cleaned up the mess. This of course worried me even more, maybe I should stay away from him. How on Earth did he feel comfortable disposing of two dead bodies? With my job I get accustomed to it but why was he? What had he been through?

Not wanting to stir the pot anymore I took his advice and left. However, I didn't head home. Needing someone to talk to I headed to the thrift store and sat on the roof, hopefully Deadpool would show up. Thinking about everything that's been going on tears began to stream down my face. Pulling me away from the sadness a pair of warm arms wrapped around me.

"What's wrong Spidey?" The merc asked with concern.

Being used to his random acts of affection I relaxed and let out a shaky breath.

"There's just been a lot going on lately. I have this guy I really like but he did something really sketchy today and I'm not sure how to feel."

Feeling a swallow in the taller males throat I glanced back at him. His eyes were filled with a hint of jealousy but it quickly was replaced with his usual goofball demeanor.

"Hey, don't worry about him. You don't need that douche, you got me!"

Wade's POV

Fuck! What was I doing? Here I was comforting Spiderman telling him not too worry about relationships while I just killed in front of my crush! Peter was probably terrified of me now and there was no way we had a chance. I couldn't help myself, they wanted to hurt him.

[Great job fucking this one up!]

{Maybe we could still try with Spidey?}

Perhaps they were right, love-bug already knew I was a murderer and he still hung out with me. Peter knew what I looked like though and he still accepted me. Would the hero be the same? Not wanting to think anymore I grasped the boy tighter as he began to sob.

"It's alright, I'm here," I whispered.

My words seemed to comfort him as he loosened against my grip. Slowly he got quieter as he fell asleep in my lap, he must have been drained. We sat there what seemed like forever before I carried him to my place knowing he would sleep better in my bed.

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