Chapter 6

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"Sorry Wade, I'll be right back," I stated frantically while getting up from the booth.

Before he could respond I rushed to the bathroom in embarrassment and soaked my shirt in the sink. I kept scrubbing until eventually my entire sweater was wet causing it to tighten against my skin. I groaned even more taking it off, the stain soaked all the way through to my second layer. I removed the flannel as well looking like a train wreck as I stood shirtless in the restroom.  The thought of wearing a dirty, stained, now sopping shirt was not ideal. 

Suddenly the door opened and a familiar face stepped in, Wade. He paused for a moment staring my torso up and down as a blush crept to his face. 

"Well aint that a sight," he said wide eyed.

I bit my lip anxiously and looked over at my clothes, they were pretty much ruined. Without hesitation the taller male threw his jacket over my shoulders with a smile, taking the hint I zipped it up. The coat was pretty big because of our size difference and my shoulder peaked out on the left. Even so it was better than nothing.


"Sure thing Petey," he said with reassurance.

Not knowing what to do with my clothes I threw them in the trash can. 

"Would you like to get our food to go? I mean if you're uncomfortable," Wade questioned.

"Yes please," I mumbled as we walked out.

After grabbing our food we headed to a thrift store and he bought me a plain white shirt to wear in the meantime. His kind gestures made me feel warm inside but every so often he had this sad look on his face. We then walked towards the park and sat down by the fountain to eat, it was delicious. I was glad Wade brought me here, it brought back good memories of my uncle. 

"You got a little something," Wade said pointing at my cheek.

I wiped my face in confusion a few times but nothing came off.

"Here let me."

With slight hesitation the taller male slid his thumb over my upper lip and brought it back to his mouth to lick. He smiled warmly as a blush crept to my cheeks. Just a simple action made my face flush and hands sweat, was I sick? I thanked the taller male and continued eating. Before we could finish there was a loud roar erupting from a nearby crowd. My spidey senses began tingling and I knew I needed to check it out.

"I'm sorry Wade, I-I got to go," I said running off.

Quickly I dashed around the corner and started to freak out. I didn't bring my costume! The situation seemed to be getting worse so I webbed a mask around my face and hoped my friend wouldn't recognize me. After examining the problem I realized that Vulture was harassing people and taking their cell phones, I wasn't sure what he needed them for but I assumed it was bad. 

"Yo, bird-brain!" I shouted at the flying green man. 

He  strangely began to squawk at me and fly away, I followed while the crowd cheered. The Vulture led me into a dark alleyway and I stupidly went after. Out of nowhere he attacked my side and clawed my face with his talons. The force he applied caused me to fall with a thud as my vision blurred. Before passing out a red figure jumped onto the birds back and stopped the commotion. Then it all went black as a ringing filled my head.

When I awoke I was on a stained brown couch that smelt of mold. My surroundings were tripled as my unfocused eyes tried to examine where I was. Besides the couch all I could make out was the same red figure from earlier hovering above my face.

"Pete- civilian are you okay?" the deep hoarse voice questioned with concern.

Deadpool, oh fuck! Did he know who I was? With panic I sat up but regretted it soon after as a pain pounded in my skull.

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to help. That was pretty dumb though, what were you thinking chasing after that Dodo?" 

Hesitantly I felt my face realizing that my web mask had dissolved. Luckily, the mercenary didn't know my identity. Everything slowly began to come into view and my surroundings disgusted me. Chinese and pizza boxes littered the floor and there were neon energy drink signs adding an odd look to the room. Deadpool kept starring at me and I realized I hadn't yet responded.

"Oh uhm, I have a... a hero complex!" I lied.

He chuckled at my response as an unfamiliar voice sounded out.

"That idiot awake yet?"

"Yes Al," Deadpool smiled.

Looking over at the woman I was able to study her features. Her hair was a short cut with messy black curls and gray streaks. Al's aged chocolate skin was coated in moles and a pair of black glasses rested upon her face. I soon realized she was blind and let in a hitched breath. What was a murderer like Deadpool doing with her? At first I thought the two didn't match at all but as she cracked more snarky remarks it began to make sense.

After tending to my wounds the merc offered to take me home but I denied figuring it would be best if he didn't know where I lived. By the time I arrived home it was already dark out and I could see Aunt May's bedroom light on. I let out a groan as I opened the door knowing what was coming, footsteps came running down.

"Peter! Why on Earth are you home so late?" she let out with a hurt tone.

My eyes glanced to the floor and I lied for the second time today, "Wade had an emergency come up so I walked home."

The older woman glanced me up and down not believing my story. She was so used to me lying though that she hugged me and told me to go to bed. I nodded blankly and headed upstairs to sleep away the events of the day.

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