'It's pronounced Hi-me'

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I pick up my backpack, which I notice is falling apart, and head out the door to my next period class. Walking down the hall, I try to get to my History classroom making minimum human interaction.

I walk in the classroom and make my way to my usual seat in the back. Brushing my bangs out of my face, then styling them back to cover my forehead with my fingers, I pull out my black composition notebook with random doodles and song lyrics sketched on it out to take notes. As I wait for class to start, I add another doodle of the Vans logo to the top of a fresh page. I rack my brain for the exact design, as my teacher, Mrs. Sanchez breaks my concentration.

"Alright, everyone. This is Jay-me Preciado and today is his first day here. So, if you guys could help him out a bit, that'd be great." I hear her over-enthusiastic voice from the front of the room. How can one human be so freaking joyful all the time?

I glance up at the new student and take in his appearance. He's average height, black hair that's spiked up with a surprisingly flattering blonde stripe towards the middle, Taking Back Sunday t-shirt, black skinny jeans and red vans.

"It's pronounced Hi-me," he corrects her good-naturedly and smiles nervously at the class as he adjusts the plain black backpack slung over shoulder. His smile reveals hardcore dimples, and I secretly note that he has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I'm not one to find random guys attractive, but he's cute.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jaime. There's a seat open in the back there." Mrs. Sanchez says and points in my direction. Everyone turns to look at me and my face immediately goes red. I really don't want him to sit by me. He seems really nice and, to be frank, I'm not.

"Hi." he says with a smile as he sits down.

I smile back, honestly not wanting to talk to him. I don't want to kill his preppy vibe with my negativity.

"I didn't quite catch your name, I'm Jaime, as you probably figured out already."

"I'm Raine." I say, quietly.

"That's a really cool name. I love your t-shirt."

I glance down at my black shirt with the Nirvana logo on it.

"Thanks, your shoes are pretty cool." I reply, feeling the need to return the compliment.

"You really think so? I'm glad you said that, I thought they were a little bold for the first day. But I wanted make an impression."

I smile and look back down at my notebook. He's so confident and even kinder than I expected. When he talks to me it feels like he's doing it because he wants to, not because he has to. Maybe we could be friends.

I don't think so.

By tomorrow, he'll be popular; he's just that type of person. He'll make friends and then move seats, and I'll be alone and bitter again.

"Raine?" I hear someone whisper, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look at the source, which is Jaime.

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"

"You didn't bring a pencil to your first day of school?" I ask, snarkily.

"Too worried about the shoes, I guess." he replies and a chuckle escapes my pierced lips. It surprises me, because I honestly think that's the first time I've genuinely laughed in a month. I hand him a pencil and he thanks me with a smile, something that hasn't been directed at me for a long time. Never did I think I'd admit this, but it feel good to have someone be nice to me.

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