'Marry Me?'

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--3 days later--

-Raine's POV-

"Babeee." Jaime whines from the front of the bus.

"Whattt." I ask, walking over to him.

"I made you some coffee." he grins and hands me a mug.

"This isn't my mug." I complain, referring to my favorite coffee mug with an elephant painted on it.

"Shut up and drink your coffee." he laughs, still smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you so smiley today?" I ask, taking a sip.

"I have a feeling you'll find out soon." he kisses me and I take my coffee into the bunk area to finish getting ready.

When I'm done getting dressed, I take a seat on the couch with the rest of the guys. Laying my legs across Jaime's lap, he looks really antsy.

"You okay, baby?" I question. He nods.

"How's the coffee?"

"It's alright." I reply and glance around the room. Everyone is smiling excitedly and looking at me expectantly.

"Alright, what's going on?"

"Just drink your coffee." Vic says.

"Whatt." I laugh and finish off the warm liquid. Jaime's grinning at me and I laugh again.

"What?" I repeat.

"Read the mug."

I glance down at the mug and see words inside. Pulling it closer, I can see the words 'Marry Me?' printed clearly at the bottom.

I look up and find Jaime on one knee in front of me holding a small box. I open my mouth to speak but can't find words.

"are you serious?" I finally whisper. I glance around me and see the rest of the guys grinning and realize that this is real.

"Yeah, I am," Jaime smiles and opens the box, revealing a gorgeous ring.

He clears hours throat.

"The first day I met you, I kept making up excuses that would get you to talk to me. I still find myself doing that today, 4 years later. You make me," his voice catches and he takes a breath, causing tears to spill down my face. "unbelievably happy. I can't even explain how much you mean to me. More than you'll ever know. It's just crazy how my whole life I've wanted someone who understood me. And you're the only person who does. I don't believe in soul mates, but I believe in being hopelessly, desperately in love with someone for your whole life. And i want to spend the rest of my life doing that with you."

By the end of his speech, I'm crying pretty hard. I'm overcome with joy and surprise as he pops the question.

"Raine," he takes my hand in his. "Will you marry me?"

I cover my mouth with my hand, trying to get ahold of myself as I nod my head violently. He smiles and slips the ring on my finger, pulling me in for a tight embrace and a passionate kiss. When he pulls away, he keeps his face close to mine.

"I love you so much." is all he says and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, too." I whisper.

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