'Is this..like, a date?'

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--Jaime's POV--

"Raine?" I call after practice. She stops talking to Mike then walks over to me.

"Hey, you did great," she smiles. "It was awesome to finally hear you play,"

I smile back, flustered. "Heh, thanks. So, um, what are you doing tonight?" I casually ask.

"Probably nothing, why?"

"Uh, I was thinking about going to see 21 Jump Street, if you're into it,"

"Ah, Channing Tatum. Of course I'm into it. What time?"

"Ew. I would say seven, but if you're going to drool over an actor the whole time, then never,"

She laughs. "Okay, then. No drooling, I promise."


She starts to walk away, but turns around.


I look up from my bass.

"Is this..like, a date?"

"Um, that depends. Do you want it to be?" I ask.

"Uhm," she pauses. I start to fill the space, but she continues.

"I do, a lot. But, can we not say anything Vic or Mike? They're kind of against me dating anyone right now,"

"For sure," I reply. "I'll pick you up at six and we'll go to dinner, then. You will not regret going on a date with me," I try to hide my excitement. I wonder if she could tell that my words were coming out weird due to my fast-acting nerves.

She smiles at me and laughs lightly.

"I didn't think I would,"

I pull into her driveway at 5:58. Never did I think that I'd be taking Raine on our first date. I always tried to make myself feel better about the slim chances of us dating by telling myself that I'll never have to deal with the crippling nervousness. But, I would not trade this feeling of anxiety for anything in the world. I get out of my car and approach her front door, flowers, (yes, flowers) in hand. I reach up to knock, but the door swings open before I can. She stands in front of me, smiling, wearing skinny jeans, a light orange sweater, a burgundy scarf, and combat boots.

"You look great," I stutter, handing her the flowers.

She laughs as she accepts them. "Flowers..really? Unnecessary, but really pretty. Thanks, Jaime,"

"No problem." I reply as she closes her door and entwines her hand in mine. Oh my gosh. "Just letting you know, I'm not good at dates. That explains the out of place flowers,"

"No, that was sweet, Jaime. I really like them. I was just kidding. As in, I'm not the kind of person who expects flowers, so, it was a very nice surprise. Thank you," She assures me.

"You deserve someone who gives you flowers," I say as I open her door for her. She smiles and kisses my cheek before getting in.

"You're such a sweetheart,"

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