'I'm Sorry'

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"Shit.." I mumble as i turn off my alarm the next day. Trying to shake the morning feeling, I pull my hair into a sloppy bun.

I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. I totally forget about the fresh cuts on my arms and gasp in pain as the warm water hits them. I glance down at the bright red, vertical marks that fill my skin. I can't help but feel pathetic. I always turn to the blade instead of dealing with my feelings in a healthy way. It's weak. I turn off the shower and step out, avoiding the mirror as much as possible, not wanting to visually see the mess I've become.

I then get dressed and comb out my hair, applying a bit of eyeliner and mascara, grab my backpack and I'm out the door. The dread of seeing Jaime consumes my body as i get in the car.

-Jaime's POV-

Walking into History, I get nervous. Raine totally flipped on me the other day. I'm not sure if she's still mad, but all I can think about is how stupid and clingy I am. Even she thinks so. It shouldn't bother me, I'm used to getting passed off as annoying. But Raine is different. She's the first person I noticed walking into class for the first time. The way she was playing with her bangs and sporting her Nirvana shirt, she looked so beautiful without even trying.

I see her walk in the door and she avoids my eyes as she sits down next to me. Instead of keeping my mouth shut, I point out the elephant in the room like the idiot I am.

"Look, I'm really sorry about Monday. I just-"

"No," she cuts me off. "It's not your fault. I freaked out on you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I'm not very good at making friends."

I smile as relief floods my body.

"It's fine. I'm already your friend,"

She rolls her eyes.

"I saw you talking to Jeff yesterday. Why don't you go hang out in his crowd? I promise you they're more fun."

My face reddens and my smile curves into a frown as i remember that conversation.

"Jeff? He wasn't talking to me...He was making fun of my shoes, hair and outfit. He called me gay and emo."

Her eyes widen, revealing more of her beautiful hazel eyes.

"He didn't." She gasps in disbelief. "God, he's such an asshole. Don't worry about it, he's said all that shit to me and worse. You're great, Jaime. Please don't let anyone make you think differently. Especially not me,"

I feel my face go red again, but this time for an entirely different reason.

"Thank you, Raine. That actually means a lot. You're great too, and you're an amazing friend.. If you'll be my friend."

A smile creeps on to her lips. I wished she smiled more, I love seeing her happy. The only feeling better than seeing her smile is knowing that I caused it.

"Of course I'll be your friend. and Jaime? I lied to you. I do have friends. I have 2 friends who live next door to me and they're honestly more like brothers. They're out of town right now but when they get back I'd like you to meet them. They're great and they mean a lot to me,"

"I would be honored to meet said friends. Want to hang out after school and you can tell me about them?"

"Sounds good." She smiles and goes back to her work.

I take my seat and try to wipe the smile off my face.

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