'Jesus Christ'

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The next day, Jaime doesn't show up to class. A small part of me worries, but I also think he just didn't come so he could avoid me. I go home that night and as I'm sitting in front of my laptop, eating ramen noodles, it hits me. I've been thinking about him for about an hour.

Jesus Christ.

I take my headphones off and head downstairs to wash my bowl. As I reach the bottom step, my dad stumbles in through the front door, obviously drunk.

"What are you doing?" he slurs.

"Washing my bowl," I reply, quietly.

"Look at me when I speak to you." His voice raising spreads panic throughout my body. Please don't hurt me.

I glance at him and apologize, wishing he would just go pass out downstairs.

"What did I tell you about talking with that tone?"

"What tone? That's just my voice." I ask, a spark of sass shining through which I immediately regret. He lunges at me and pins me against the wall, making me drop my bowl, which shatters into a million pieces on the ground, sending milk across the floor.

"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" he screams in my face, his breath smelling overwhelmingly of smoke and booze. I try to stop the tears from coming out of my eyes, but they fall freely.

"Are you seriously going to cry? God, you're such a worthless bitch. Just like your mother."

"Don't you dare talk about my mother." I pipe up, adrenaline rushing. "Don't you dare. Don't act like you didn't know she was depressed. You knew she was suicidal yet you didn't do a damn thing!"

"Shut your mouth. If I had to see you everyday, I would kill myself, too."

I laugh bitterly. "Well, I don't see you everyday and you still make me want to kill myself."

"Nobody who threatens to commit suicide ever does it." he retorts. I snort as I escape upstairs, contemplating proving him wrong. When I get into my room, I lock my door and immediately pick up the blade from my dresser, falling into the bad habit that provides as my only escape.

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