'What If We Were More Than Friends?'

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----Raine POV-----

"Hello, best friend," Mike says to me as I walk into their jam room on Friday.

"Aye, bro," I reply, casually, setting my bag down on the floor. "Where's Jaime?"

"Well, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Your stupid boyfriend is going to be here soon,"

I go to reply that Jaime isn't my boyfriend, but I'm not 100% sure that's true. We did kiss, and it was amazing, but we haven't really talked about an actual relationship. I think he realizes that the idea of commitment scares the shit out of me, so that's probably the reason. Mike and Vic don't know about anything. They don't know about the kiss, me opening up to Jaime and him finding out about my cutting. I think that's how it's gonna stay for awhile. I tell them everything, but I want to keep this to myself. I want this to just be between Jaime and I.

"He's not stupid," I reply, quietly as Vic walks through the door.

"Hi, darling," he greets me and I nod in his direction and check my phone.

"Woah," he says. "Not even a hello? I thought we were tight, man."

I laugh and look up from my text message to Jaime.

"Hello, my beautiful bff." I say and hug him.

"Better." he replies and picks up a guitar. "Is Jaime bringing his own bass?"

"Yeah," I state, not looking up. "His bass is like his baby, he's for sure bringing her,"

"I take it you guys are close again?"

I nod, hitting send and placing my phone on the table

"Yeah, we made up,"

"Good. Did you do what I told you?" Vic asks me as Mike walks out to get a drink. "As in, opening up,"

Damn it, Vic. I don't want to talk about this.

"Yeah, I did,"

"Did you tell him everything?"

I sigh. "Yes, everything,"

He looks up from his guitar, raising his eyebrows.

"Really? Even-"

"Yes, even the self-harm."

"Wow. How'd he react?"

I think about the kiss and a smile spreads across my lips.

"Really well," I say.

"Hm," Vic says. "Well, I'm proud of you for confiding in someone. And I'm happy that someone is Jaime,"

"So, you like him.." I press.

"Yeah, he's cool. I'm glad you guys are friends and I'm glad we're going to be friends and bandmates,"

I nod. "But..what if we were more than friends?"

Vic's eyes widen.

"You and me?" he asks like the idiot he is.

"NO!" I yell as the door opens.

We look over and Jaime is standing there, bass over his shoulder, looking confused.

"Everything okay in here?"

"No, Vic is an idiot." I reply as I practically see a light bulb appear above Vic's head.

"Wait.." he starts. "Did you mean you and-"

"Shut up, no." I cut him off before he can finish.

"Okay, well you guys are being weird...I'm gonna find Mike." Jaime states and walks out of the room.

"You and Jaime?" Vic asks.

"Well, yeah. But it was just a stupid question."

He doesn't reply for a minute.

"Honestly, I don't think it's such a good idea," he finally admits and my heart drops.

"Why not?" I ask, trying to be nonchalant.

"Well, I'm pretty sure because I'm your brother I'm supposed to be against you dating anyone, and this is the first actual friend that you've had. And I can tell you really like him. I think getting into a relationship will just complicate things. I get that you might have a crush on him or whatever-"

I stop him.

"I do not have a crush on Jaime," I lie.

He looks at me, seeing right through.

"Alright, then why did you ask?"

"I was just wondering, no big deal,"

"Okay then," he goes back to tuning his guitar.

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