'You'll Figure It Out'

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It's been two days and I haven't heard from Jaime whatsoever. I decide to confide in Vic, but he's no help.

"Maybe he's just mad for some reason, or maybe his phone died. Don't you have classes with him?"

"No shit he's mad for some reason. And yeah, but he shows up for class right before the bell and leaves before it's done ringing. I never have time to talk to him."

"Well, your relationship better not get in the way of this band." he states as he polishes his guitar.

"You are truly an asshole, Victor,"

"Not an asshole, just passionate about music. He'll definitely be at practice Friday, he texted me earlier."

"HE TEXTED YOU?!" I yell. "What the hell? Did you ask him why he's been avoiding me?"

"No, and it's not that i don't care, because I do care about you and your feelings. But, your guy's issues are none of my business. We are strictly possible bandmates,"

"This is the first guy that I actually like. I like him a lot and for some reason, he's not talking to me. I miss him. Please, please help me," I whine.

He looks at me for a while and then sighs.

"Alright. If he doesn't talk to you by Friday, I'll ask him. But only because I love you and I can tease you about your crush now that you've officially admitted it."

I smile and hug him thankfully. His arms holding me honestly makes me want to cry. Every time Vic or Mike hugs me, all I can think about is how insanely lucky I am to have them. Without those two guys, I would for sure be dead right now and that scares the shit out of me. The fact that I'm so dependent on two people for my actual survival scares me. Now, I'm getting attached to someone else. In the back of my mind, I know I'm setting myself up with hurt. He's already hurt me by ignoring me. But another part of me for some reason believes that he won't hurt me. This is exactly why I don't let people in.

"Thank you. I love you, too," I say into his shoulder and feel myself sniffle and a lump form in my throat.

I pull away and he sees my tears before I can leave.

"Raine," he calls.

I look back at him.

"It's going to be okay. I promise. Just wait it out. Why don't you stay here for a while? I don't like you being there when your dad is home."

I nod and sit back down on his bed watching him tune and play simple chords on his guitar. I remember him teaching me how to play guitar. It took about six months and it was the most frustrating thing I've ever done. Now, it's one of my favorite things to do and it calms me down all the time. Mike got me my first guitar for my birthday a few years ago, and my dad immediately destroyed it when he found it. I felt so bad; I told Mike that night, sobbing. He assured me it was okay and when I saved up the money for a new one, I kept it at their house.

"You know, it might help if you open up to him a little," Vic says, not looking up.


"Jaime. I think he's worried. Maybe tell him about your mom. I'm not saying spill your whole history out to him, but just talking might help,"

"..Alright. I just feel like that's gonna make him run the other way."

"It won't. Jaime's a nice guy and he'll understand. You should be more trusting. Mike and I aren't the only people who would ever talk to you."

"Right. But I used to trust my dad. and now look at me. I flinch every time someone walks near me."

"But not everyone is like your dad. He is a total piece of shit and words can't describe how much I dislike him for how badly he treats you. But you have to realize that not everyone is like that."

I nod.

"You're right. I just don't know if I can do that." I say.

"You'll figure it out."

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