'I Missed You.'

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-Rain POV-

"RAIIIINNEE!!!" Vic screams as he runs towards me in the middle of the airport. I start running to him and take in his appearance. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a red flannel, and a beanie with his hair straightened. Excitement rushes through my body as I yearn to feel the comfort of the most important people in my life for the first time in a month.

"VICTORRR!" I yell back as we meet and he hugs me very tightly, instantly calming me.

"I missed my sister." he says, cutely.

I smile against his shoulder. I didn't realize until now how much I missed being loved and cared about.

"I missed my brothers. As in plural. As in where's Mikey?" I ask, pulling away.

"He's getting our bags, he'll be here in a second. How have you been?"

"I've been alright..How was Chicago?"

"It was great. We saw a bunch of different concerts, mostly local bands, but they gave us some tips on starting a band. We also got starbucks everyday."

I laugh. "That's awesome, Vic. Do you guys have any ideas? About the band, not starbucks."

"A few. I'll tell you when Mike gets here, though."

I nod and we go looking for Mike. I'm so happy for them. They both have such a passion for music. They were in a band called Before Today a few years ago, but it didn't exactly work out. I guess they're trying again, though. I have no clue how any of this is going to go down, but I do know that Vic has the voice of an angel, Mike kills it on the drums, and they're super serious about music. It'll work itself out eventually.

"RAINEE!" I hear behind me and whip around just in time to see Mike running at me.

I take off towards him and he drops the bags just as I reach him, enveloping me into a hug.

"I missed you, dear." he says, picking me up and kissing my cheek.

I giggle and hug him tighter. "I missed you, too, Mike."

He sets me down and i go to reach for a bag but he swats my hand away.

"No, no. I got this."

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