'I don't have any friends'

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After History, Jaime calls me as I'm walking out.

"What class do you have after this?" he asks.


"Well, call me stupid, but i don't know how to read my schedule." he laughs, handing me a folded piece of paper. I unfold it, looking at his classes.

"Okay, well, this semester you have lunch after this period. That's what the first row means. Then, next semester it's this period." I explain.

"Oh, alright. Thank you. But this means I have to eat alone?"

"I doubt it, you'll make friends fast, Jaime."

"Well, I've already made one." he says, following me out into the hallway.

"Trust me, you'll find better ones." I mutter.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're really cute. You're confident, funny, and easy to talk to. You'll be in with the popular crowd by next week."

He furrows his eyebrows.

"Popular crowd? I'm not popular, I promise you that. And you're my friend. I like you. You're cool. I'm not just going to abandon you for people I don't know."

"Okay, thank you, but you seriously would be better off finding people more like you."

"More like me?"

"Happy. cheerful. easy to talk to. cute. Haven't we been over this?"

"You're easy to talk to and cute. I could make you happy."

I snort. "Um, my happiness is kind of a lost cause."

"There's no such thing as a lost cause. Maybe you could introduce me to some of your friend-"

"I don't have any friends, Jaime!" I snap. "Why don't you get that I'm just a bitter, lonely person?"

"Oh." he says, quietly. "I'm sorry. Hey, my class is here. I have to go." he rushes away into a nearby classroom.

I walk off to lunch but immediately regret snapping at him. He was just being nice. This is exactly why I don't have friends. I push everyone away. For the rest of the period, I pick bitterly at my salad feeling guilty. I hope I didn't ruin my first potential friend.

After I eat, I escape to the bathroom, but catch a glimpse of Jaime talking to some guys in a circle. My heart sinks. He's already made friends.

Just Friends (A Jaime Preciado Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now