'Pierce the Veil Sounds Good.'

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"You're an idiot." I tell Mike as i laugh my ass off. at something stupid he said. He goes to reply but my phone starts ringing. I pick it up from beside me and a smile spreads across my face as I see Jaime's name on the screen.

I hit answer and they look at me, questioningly. this is the first time someones called me who isn't them.

"Hello?" I answer.


"Hey, Jaime."

"What's up?"

"Just chilling with Vic and Mike.?"

"I'm bored as heck. I wanted to hang out but I guess you're busy."

"nonono, you can come hang out with us!" I suggest. "You guys can finally meet,""

I look over at Vic for approval and he nods.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude your reunion."

I laugh. "We've had 3 days to reunite. And we're just chilling and playing xbox. Well, Mike and I are playing xbox. Vic is too good for our shit."

I hear his laugh through the phone and its crazy how much joy it brings me. The last few days I've felt so genuinely happy and it's amazing.

"hahah, okay. I'll be right over. Next door to your house?"


When he gets here, him, Vic, and Mike immediately become best friends. We play Xbox for a bit then we start talking music.

"Raine has been saying that you have pretty good taste in music," Vic says. "What do you listen to?"

Jaime smiles to himself. "Mostly Green Day, Blink, Nirvana, Rolling Stones, Mumford and Sons..stuff like that."

"Green Day is life, man!" Mike gets over-excited.

"Yess, it is."

"Do you like heavier stuff, too?" Vic asks.

"Hell yeah. I'm mostly into older bands, but Slayer and Metallica are awesome. I'm really liking like, post-hardcore kinda stuff right now."

"Yeah, us too," Vic says. "You play anything?"

"He plays everything!" I interrupt.

Jaime laughs and smiles at me.

"Not everything. Piano/keyboard, guitar, bass, drums a little, and I sing a bit."

"Man, you're committed." Mike says. "I play drums and Vic sings and plays guitar

"Correction," I say. "Mike kills it on the drums and Vic has the voice of an angel."

They all laugh and talk some more and I realize how happy I am. I feel like Vic and Mike like Jaime as much as I do. and that excites me. Before I know it, they're talking about actually starting a band.

"We were in a band called Before Today a few years ago, and it was awesome but it didn't work out for the other guys. We're trying to start something new, so I mean, if you want to be apart of it, it'd be awesome to have someone so talented." Mike offers.

"That'd be awesome." Jaime says. "I'd love to."

"Great!" Vic says. "This is awesome. We kind of already had a name idea..unless you have something."

"No, what is it?"

"Well, when I was in psychology a few years ago, my professor used this term, 'pierce the veil'. It means to like, go to the source of the problem and cut it out. I thought it was pretty cool."

"pierce the veil. Sounds good." Jaime says.

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