'I Fucking Love You'

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About a week later, I'm sitting in the studio at Vic and Mike's house, watching the guys practice for going on six hours. Tony met everyone and fit right in. They're already working on some music, and I'm very excited. They're playing through a song that Vic wrote, and it sounds incredible. I really think this might work.

"Were you honest when you said, 'I can never leave your bed?' Wake me up and let me know, you're alive. And will you fall in love again, is the scent slowly spreading? Ive been answering machines all night. Now the doctor's dancing in, while the ambulances sing, another boy without a sharper knife," Vic's amazing voice sounds through the microphone. I glance at Jaime, he's so into the music. Mike looks kinda bored, he wanted more upbeat stuff so he could just go crazy on the drums. Tony looks really happy, too.

They stop for a break, and Vic promises Mike that they can transition into an upbeat chorus.

Jaime comes and sits by me, kissing me on the cheek when nobody's looking. I smile at him and have the urge to take him out of the room and kiss him. Unfortunately, Tony comes over.

"So, how do you like your guitar?" he asks.

"I love it so much,"

Jaime ended up buying it for me, despite my refusal. I had to tell Vic and Mike that I bought it so they wouldn't get suspicious.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, TONY." Mike yells, coming over to us. He's such an ass. He takes advantage of how meek Tony is by randomly yelling at him for no reason. At first, Tony would jump and laugh it off, but now he's more comfortable so he plays along.

"TALKING TO THE COUPLE OF THE YEAR." he yells back. Panic sets in as I remember that we forgot to tell Tony that nobody knows about Jaime and I. Jaime glances at me nervously as Mike speaks up.

"couple?" he sounds confused and sees how close we're sitting. we jump apart.

"couple. no, see, that's just an inside joke," Jaime lamely tries to reason.

Mike and Tony both look confused as Vic walks over, making this situation even worse.

"What's going on?"

"I have no clue," Tony answers quietly.

I look over at Jaime, and his gaze meets mine. I try to signal that I'm not ready to tell them through a facial expression. He must get it, because he gets a look of disappointment on his face and turns back to the guys.

"It was a joke. Raine, Tony, and I have this inside thing that we're a 'couple.' It's funny because the idea of us being together seems ridiculous to some people," He says and shoots me a look that feels as sharp as a knife. A feeling of guilt overcomes me as he walks out of the room. Tony looks so confused but I just shoot him a look that says "play along". He nods a little as Vic looks at me questioningly.

"What is happening, Raine?" he asks.

"I have to go deal with something," I reply and take off towards Jaime. I find him out on the porch, drinking a beer. Pushing the door open, a gust of breeze hits me as I step out into the cool night air. He doesn't look at me, so I sit up on the railing in front of him so he has to.

"What was that?" is all I ask. He brings his eyes to meet mine, and even though it's dark out, I can see the anger filling his dark brown eyes. I've never seen him angry, and it scares the shit out of me. He's so calm all the time.

"Really? Are you really asking me that?" he says, quietly, trying to contain himself.

"Yeah, I am. I don't know-"

"No. You don't know." he raises his voice. "You have no fucking clue. I care about you so much. But you can't even tell Mike and Vic. What happened to not caring what they think? What happened to just wanting to be with me? I don't get it, Raine, explain it to me,"

I feel tears sting my eyes as I struggle for a reply.

"I didn't want to have to tell them just because Tony said something. I want it to come from us."

"It would have come from us. Look, if you can't have people know about us for whatever reason, tell me now. I have feelings too, Raine. I don't like getting attached to people just to realize I don't mean anything to them, either. Damn it, I fucking love you and you can't even deal with the fact that people know."

I don't reply, just focus on the tears running down my face. He just told me he loves me. We've never said that before. I never imagined it to be like this. I glance up at him just in time to see him shake his head slightly and walk back towards the door.

"Jaime." I stop him, my voice breaking. He turns around.

"I love you, too. I swear to god, you mean the world to me. I want everyone to know, I just don't want it to seem like we have to tell them. Don't leave. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I'll tell them right now if it means I won't lose you. I can't lose you, Jaime," I break down in tears and hear him approach me.

"Then tell them," he says, his voice softer as he caresses my cheek. "You won't lose me. I just need to know that I'm not putting my feeling into nothing,"

I glance up at him and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I promise you're not. I really love you, Jaime."

"I love you too, Raine," he smiles and leans in. I kiss him back passionately and he puts his hands on my waist. Running my hands through his hair, something I don't expect happens.

"What the hell is going on?" I hear a voice. Jaime and I quickly pull apart and look over to see an obviously pissed Mike standing in the doorway. He walks out to the porch and slams the door behind him.

"You better have a good explanation for making out with my sister on my porch, Preciado," he yells.

"Uh, I do," Jaime says nervously and Mike raises his eyebrows expectantly.

"Alright, uh, look, we're not just messing around. I really have feelings for your sister and she feels the same way,"

Mike glances at me and I nod.

"It's true, Mike. We've kind of been dating for about a month. We kept trying to find the right time to tell you, but it was hard. I'm sorry."

He pauses.

"I swear to god, you can trust me. Raine means the absolute world to me. I would never hurt her and would protect her with my life. I love her," Jaime fills the empty space. I smile despite the awkward situation. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Mike glances at me and sees my reaction. He takes a deep breath.

"Well, you seem to make her very happy. And you seem like a good guy. As long as you treat her right, I'm happy for you two."

I smile and give Mike a hug as Jaime thanks him.

"Just remember: if you hurt her, you will most likely die,"

"Totally. You won't have to worry about that, I promise."

Mike opens his mouth as the door swings open.

"Is everything alright? I heard yelling." Vic asks, stepping out with Tony behind him.

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